I have 4GB of physical RAM, windows vista shows only 3326MB. Does it really
help with performance if I have 4GB or should I just install 3GB memory? I
just bought the additional 2GB memory (had 2GB before) and wondering if I
should exchange for a 1GB one. Thanks.
Two points:
1. All 32-bit versions of Windows (XP as well as Vista), even though
they have a 4GB address space, can only use *around* 3.1GB of RAM.
That's because some of that space is used by hardware and not
available to the operating system and applications. The amount you can
use varies, depending on what hardware you have installed, but is
usually around 3.1GB.
2. How much you need or good performance, or can make effective use
of, is *not* a one-size-fits-all situation. You get good performance
if the amount of RAM you have keeps you from using the page file, and
that depends on what apps you run.
For most people running common business applications in Vista,
somewhere in the range of 1-2GB is sufficient, and any more than that
will do nothing for you. Installing more RAM than is necessary is a
waste of money.
On the other hand if you do things like editing large photographic
images, more RAM will very likely be beneficial.