4DOS by JPSoft now free!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bjorn Simonsen
  • Start date Start date

Bjorn Simonsen

From JPSoft's email of today, annoucing their new
4NT 6.0 and Take Command 6.0, and...:

"There will be no new version of 4DOS. 4DOS 7.50 has now been
released as a free and unsupported program; check our web site
for details"

See their download page,
under "Older Unsupported (FREE) Products"

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Out of laziness I guess (to look things up) does the 4dos shell support FAT32
and/or long filenames? In otherwords, can it be used as a dos shell for windows
(e-mail address removed) (howard schwartz) wrote in
Out of laziness I guess (to look things up) does the 4dos shell
support FAT32 and/or long filenames? In otherwords, can it be used as
a dos shell for windows 9x?

howard schwartz wrote in <413d2c6a@hughey>:

Re: 4DOS by JPSoft now free:
Out of laziness I guess (to look things up) does the 4dos shell support FAT32
and/or long filenames? In otherwords, can it be used as a dos shell for windows

I see your question have already been answered with a yes.
Just adding <ftp://jpsoft.com/4dos/files/intro.txt>.
Btw nice to see you are still around :)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
On Tue, 07 Sep 2004 02:26:56 GMT, RE: Re: 4DOS by JPSoft now free!
Out of laziness I guess (to look things up) does the 4dos shell support FAT32
and/or long filenames? In otherwords, can it be used as a dos shell for windows

Yes, it works quite well. In fact, I use it as my primary shell in
win98. Here's the entry in config.sys that sets that up:

shell=d:\4dos\4dos.com d:\4dos /p

My system never loads command.com unless I specifically choose to.
Bjorn Simonsen wrote in said:
"There will be no new version of 4DOS. 4DOS 7.50 has now been
released as a free and unsupported program; check our web site
for details"
under "Older Unsupported (FREE) Products"

In alt.msdos.batch, on 25 Sep 2004, Klaus Meinhard, long time
maintainer of the now deceased 4xbtm site (collection of 4DOS and 4NT
related stuff/batch tricks etc.) typed in
<[email protected]>:

to help new users to quickly get started with the now free 4DOS I
have written a small FAQ which I intend to post from time to time
(don't worry, not every week). I will include a link to the
Google message number of that FAQ in my future postings. I'm
looking forward to receive corrections and additions to the text.

The same day he posted his first edition of that FAQ, in:
<http://google.com/groups?&[email protected]>
or <
Watch the <alt.msdos.batch> group for updates...or
Google the authors name from time to time
<http://google.com/groups?as_q=4DOS&as_uauthors=Klaus Meinhard&as_scoring=d>

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen