Because vista is crap... and if you use it, it needs reboots...
Utter drivel. Mine runs for weeks, even months at a time, rebooting only
when the occasional update needs it (quite rare these days). The last time
I rebooted was to install SP1. Before that it had been running for ages -
many weeks. It is never switched off or put in "Sleep" mode.
Playing solitaire does not count as uptime.. you are clearly not a power
You don't know Fred B. at all. You've no idea what kind of user he is.
As for me, I thrash my Vista PC mercilessly all day and all evening:
* Technical Authorship using Office 2007
* Technical illustration using Visio
* Graphics creation and editing, including photo processing, with PSP X2
* Document scanning and OCR using Omnipage Pro
* Web site development using NetObjects Fusion, Namo WebEditor and Serif
WebPlus X2
* Sound file editing and processing using Adobe Audition
* Software development using CodeGear Delphi and MS Visual Studio 2008
* Embedded software development using Microchip tools
* Video editing using VideoReDo TV Suite countless minor applications including home automation and
various homebrew technical applications.
Of course, I wouldn't dream of calling myself a "power user". But I can say
that my Vista PC works hard for a living and has proved to be utterly
stable. Not once has it blue-screened, frozen or needed rebooting (apart
from those occasional updates).
Naturally it has suffered the usual Vista shortcomings, most notably the
glacial file copying, which is only somewhat improved in SP1 (it wasn't
broken in XP - why, oh why, did they "fix" it?).
But your assertion that Vista is inherently defective and requires frequent
reboots is not universally true. Perhaps you need to look to your hardware.