40 Gb Internet Connection Anyone...?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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A 75 year old Swedish woman has the world's fastest internet connection thanks to her son, who is an "optical internet guru" according to the story HERE

(Makes my 44 kbps dial-up look a bit sick :p )
She is one lucky lady... But she obviously doesn't know what she's got really..Still the windows updates will be a breeze..:D
Thanks for posting that TC :D

How much fun could we have with a 4000MB connection :lol: I think I'd set up an ISP!
How would that work?

surely when the optical fibres went through the normal phone lines, she'd be choked to whatever the phone lines can handle?
michael 118 said:
How would that work?

surely when the optical fibres went through the normal phone lines, she'd be choked to whatever the phone lines can handle?

This part of the sentance seems to be the magic, but I've got no idea how the technical parts work. It seems to suggest that it uses the normal infrastructure as it mentions 2000km, and yet I would have thought that was impossible over the network at the moment? Perhaps there is some network guru here that understands what went on :)

"According to The Local, the secret sauce behind the connection is a new modulation technique that allows data to be transfered directly between two routers up to 2,000 km apart - with no intermediary transponders. This allows information to travel over huge distances without data loss."
i think the 'magic' is a fiber optic link from the wall in her house to her ISP, menaing no copper wires