Someone recently posted a comment that although happy with the i865,
they're starting to wish they'd bought the 6 tank version of the i865
(presumably they meant the i905).
Do the extra "photo" colours make a big difference to the casual
observer if you generally print to hi res paper (and direct to DVD's)
Also, are there any dramas with refilling the i865, (I dumped Epson for
the foreseeable future, because of the chip hassles and their philosophy
of consumer rape - ie. trying to force the consumer to do what is in
*Epsons* best financial interests).
they're starting to wish they'd bought the 6 tank version of the i865
(presumably they meant the i905).
Do the extra "photo" colours make a big difference to the casual
observer if you generally print to hi res paper (and direct to DVD's)
Also, are there any dramas with refilling the i865, (I dumped Epson for
the foreseeable future, because of the chip hassles and their philosophy
of consumer rape - ie. trying to force the consumer to do what is in
*Epsons* best financial interests).