4-4-5 Calendar


Liz J

I typed out my question just a second ago, but I don't think it posted
properly. If I'm repeating myself, I apologize! Anyway, I'm reviewing
annualized financial data that are broken down into weeks. (I have this
information in pivot tables.) I'd like to compare the information year over
year by grouping it in a 4-4-5 calendar format. Is that possible? If so,
are pivot tables the best option?

Thanks for your help!

Jim Thomlinson

Pivot tables do not support a 4 4 5 natively. To use them for that you need
to attach your week number and year number to each record. That being said no
matter what you want to do you are going to need to attach your week number
and year to each record so a pivot table is as good an option as any.

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