4:3 to 16:9 mass re-sizing

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I want to re-size many photos from their curent 4:3 ratio to a 16:9 ratio so
I can create a better-fitting show for my wide-screen TV... Any suggestions?
Microsoft Picture It! Photo 7.0 I think may have the ability to crop/resize
groups of photos, but don't know for sure as I usually don't have more than
a handful to do at any one time so I just do them individually.
I would suggest another option.

Import all your 4:3 images as such in movie maker. Place them in the
storyboard/timeline as usual. Then apply the following custom effect to all
of them. This will auto crop and resize them to fit to the 16:9 display
size. This has the added benefit that you:

* dont have to change your images or make copies
* need nothing other than movie maker
* can undo easily

The custom effect code:

<TransitionsAndEffects Version="1.0" >
<EffectDLL guid="{B4DC8DD9-2CC1-4081-9B2B-20D7030234EF}">
<Effect name="Zoom Fixed 75%" iconid="33">
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="ScaleA" value="1.3333" />
<Param name="InitialScaleA" value="1.3333" />

Copy paste the xml code into notepad and Save with any name but .xml
extension in folder C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\AddOnTFX. Create the
AddOnTFX folder if necessary. Confirm the file has .xml extension by turning
off the "hide extensions of known file types" from Explorer > Tools > Folder
options > View. Restart WMM and locate the new effect int he Effects area
called "Zoom Fixed 75%"

Applying one effect to multiple clips/slides:

Select multiple clips/slides in the Storyboard view by clicking on the first
and then do one of the following at a time:
* Ctrl-A to select everything
* Ctrl-click on individual clips to add them to selection
* Shift click on the last to select all in between

Now right-click on the effect you want to apply to all the selected clips
and select "Apply to storyboard".

You can also Copy the effect from the right-click menu and Paste it over a
set of selected clips in the Storyboard.

To remove effects from multiple selections, in Storyboard View, select the
small effect boxes on the bottom left corners of the slides (containing a
star). Then press DEL.
True...you can open a group of images in
the Picture It! / Digital Image Mini Lab for
batch processing and there is an option
to Crop...however...the user must still crop
each file one at a time.

The Crop option was removed from the Mini
Lab in version 10 because it was not a true
batch process.


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP
How to ask a newsgroup question:

I use Adobe Photoshop...all version have the following abilities I am told.
I first make a copy of all of them in a new directory and work on the
copies only....apart from obviously protecting your originals it also means
that when you open and save in the steps below you do not have to choose a
new directory for the final image.

1) Load all pictures at the same time
2) Set aspect ratio of cropping tool to 16:9
3) Draw cropping tool so that desired area will be retained (you can slide
it around if you like
4) Select Crop Option
5) Select Image Resize Option and resample to desired size (I always use
1024 x 576) PAL size
6) Save image & close it...move on to next image

John Kelly
Truthfully, I am not an Instant Expert, But I know someone who is going to
have to try a LOT harder
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