Thats interesting.
I assumed that the P4's were significantly faster than the XP's, but I get more or less this figure
with an XP2800, 1Gb (PC2700), 9800 pro. With the 9800 at the 'standard aggressive overclock'
(450/380) I get 6200. If I oc the processor, I can get up to 6350, but it doesnt really seem worth
it for the bother (I have to increase fan speed and that makes the rig a lot noisier)
Perhaps its because multithreading is not actually being used to any great extent in the P4s yet, so
the practical differences between the P4 and XP processors are not as high as advertised?
This is not a my computer is better than yours rant btw, just that I am trying to decide between a
fast p4 P4 and another XP as part of a second rig (to be bought when PC Express and 64 bit have made
the current technology dirt cheap