Jesus ! 3 hours of downloading later !!! lol
I ran it, and it didn't run smoothly at all ?! Here are what some of the stats are:
Game tests 3D mark score : 284
GT1 - Return to proxycon 1.0 fps
GT2 - Firefly Forest 0.9 fps
GT3 - Canyon flight 1.6 fps
CPU tests CPU score : 1755
CPU test 1 1.2 fps
CPU test 2 1.2 fps
Now to me that is so PATHETIC ! I am really going to buy the graphics card that i posted about earlier no matter what ! It was so jolty and not smooth what so ever
Please tell me how pathetic that is so i can proove to my bro and dad that we need a new one to play our games better and to pay me some money for a new graphics card ! Even though i do have quite a bit of money lol my bro will use the pc from time to time with MY graphics card !
I thought my graphics card would have performed a LITTLE bit better then that !
That was done using 3D mark 05
Thanx lol