Robert Kim
Hi, all yet again. Are there any scientists or engineers here? I'm in
dire need of a freeware program that can produce true 3-dimensional graphs
of data. For example, I have 2 factors and 1 response and would like to
graph how this response varies with changes in the 2 factors. I'd be
plotting the response in the z axis (upwards) and the 2 factors on the x
and y axes (along the screen and into the screen, respectively).
dire need of a freeware program that can produce true 3-dimensional graphs
of data. For example, I have 2 factors and 1 response and would like to
graph how this response varies with changes in the 2 factors. I'd be
plotting the response in the z axis (upwards) and the 2 factors on the x
and y axes (along the screen and into the screen, respectively).