32GByte “hard” disk drive ... 'new' from Samsung


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Yes, I said 32 gigs ... however;

Death Knell of PC Hard Disks
By Richard Wilson -- Electronics Weekly, 5/23/2006

Samsung Electronics will start selling next month the first PCs embedded with a 32GByte “hard” disk drive based on NAND flash semiconductors.

This is a significant move for semiconductor NAND flash memory into a commercial mobile computing application and could spell the end of the hard disk. As the traditional magnetic disk drives are replaced with more cost effective and smaller NAND flash-based memories.

According to Samsung, the SSD reads 300 percent faster (53MBytes/sec.) and writes 150 per cent quicker (28MBytes/sec.) than normal hard drives. “The Microsoft Windows XP operating system will boot up 25 percent to 50 percent faster on the SSD than on other drives,” said the company.

“PC models based on solid state disks have numerous advantages over traditional hard disk-based models. These include faster booting, greater durability, quieter operation, and increased battery life,” said Kim Hounsoo, executive VP of the computing division at Samsung Electronics.

The Samsung Q1, an ultra-mobile computing device and the Q30, a 12.1-inch screen notebook PC, will be available in the Korean market from early June. The retail price for the Q1-SSD will be $2,430, while the Q30-SSD will sell for $3,700.

I`m looking forward to the HDDs themselves hitting the shops...i`m a big believer in these kind of disks as the future...I had a Gigabyte I-RAM at the start of the year, and i`m seriously lookin forward to the I-RAM2 :)
Kenny said:
I`m looking forward to the HDDs themselves hitting the shops...i`m a big believer in these kind of disks as the future...I had a Gigabyte I-RAM at the start of the year, and i`m seriously lookin forward to the I-RAM2 :)
What did you think of the I-Ram, did it make much difference? :)
Yep, LOADS of difference.

Windows installed in 3 1/2 minutes, a restart was 8 seconds from "restart" to back into desktop, windows was insanely quick and the HDTach scores showed it saturating the SATA bus (140MB/S sutained).. BUT

Battery life was very poor, it was HOT, and there wasnt enough space on it. The I-RAM2 should have a marked improvement in those 3 areas, and will be twice as fast so it should be great!