One formulas play below as responded in your multi-post in .misc yesterday.
Please don't multi-post. Do high-five ALL responses which help in any/some
way to answer your query by pressing the YES button below
Assume source data as posted within A1

In F1: =IF(OR(A1={"",1}),"",IF(COUNTIF($A1:$D1,1),A1,""))
Copy F1 across to I1, fill down to I5. This creates the criteria matrix
which isolates only the rows containing "1" (the key association criteria),
and simultaneously cleans off blank source cells and the key 1's in the
resulting matrix.
Then in J1: =MODE(F1:I5)
nails the result. Lightly tested, J1 seems to return correct results. In the
event of ties, it'll return the num which appears "first", ie leftmost in
row, from top row down
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