Bargain 320GB Hard Drive - £100 (SATA/IDE)


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Komplett have a very cheap Western Digital Caviar SE 320GB Hard Drive, for just under £100 for IDE and £100 on the dot for SATA. These are good drives, so this is a very nice price :)
wow ur comming up to FOUR THOUSAND POSTS!!!

gosh thaths amazing congratulations!
you are leading i think now!
ahead of Postill!

well thanks for the link thaths a great great price!
I didn't mean to leave the US folk out ;) $143 is an even better deal :D
well that is alot of space i kinda fill that with ahlf of the music that i ahve on my pc atm so that is nearly pointless to buy cuz my dad recently bought 4000GB for around 400pounds in the form of about 50 ahrd drives lol.
Ian Cunningham said:
I didn't mean to leave the US folk out ;) $143 is an even better deal :D

Would never accuse you of such a thing Ian..... it was just coincidence I was in the market for the same exact hard drive.... no worries

Edit: and I just bought 2!! One will be internal and the other modded into an external.
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