32 Newsgroups

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Kelly
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John Kelly


I have my deep search newsreader checking every newsgroup in the world looking
for the 32 newsgroups you said you contributed too, a couple of months
back...its going to take some time because its searching the last three years.
It would save time if you could list them for me as I would enjoy seeing your
contributions to all those news groups. Be a pal and let us know
You must really be bored. Does it really matter if it was exactly 32?

-- Happy Editing --
It is the beautu of using technologu, and knowing how to. After gaining
knowledge its great to sit back, show others what you have found and then
see how they try to explain their reasons....you add that to the more recent
events and you start to gain a picture of what you are dealing with.

Best Wishes..................
Angry, Who is angry, I like the new alias by the way, what will it be next
time "Who" perhaps or maybe "Where"

Best Wishes...........John Kelly
Just over 5 Billion characters of data read from headers (Much further to go
yet though) and still nothing outside moviemaker...there is still a long way
to go though.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Hi there,

Just over 9 Billion characters from header files now read...only two
newsgroups detected...this is odd!!!
Rats !!!

I stopped the program instead of pausing it...silly me

I lost the count oh how many headers were read...but not the results of the
search which is still on-going by the way even forums on web-sites (just in
Hello Again,

I think its found 5 newsgroup so far and one Forum it does not seem to
me that we are going to get anyway near the 32 you claim to post too....What
say you?

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Hi there,

Since my last post another 5 Billion characters from message headers have
been scanned for these 32 newsgroups. Even now there is still a long way to
go, but as every obvious newsgroup is scanned first, it looks as though we
are not going to get perhaps more than 10. That's a number out of the air
of course, the only number worth talking about has not been discovered yet
Does anybody else really care any? This thread is (way) off-topic for a WMM2 newsgroup

----- John Kelly wrote: ----

Hi there

Since my last post another 5 Billion characters from message headers hav
been scanned for these 32 newsgroups. Even now there is still a long way t
go, but as every obvious newsgroup is scanned first, it looks as though w
are not going to get perhaps more than 10. That's a number out of the ai
of course, the only number worth talking about has not been discovered ye

Sorry things did not quite work out with Mr. Alan Parker. Nice try though
The eventual letter is going to read like some sort of novel. What shall w
call it

Can I say this. I will no matter what happens, determine the validity o
your statements
John Kelly said:
Since my last post another 5 Billion characters from message headers have
been scanned for these 32 newsgroups. Even now there is still a long way to
go, but as every obvious newsgroup is scanned first, it looks as though we
are not going to get perhaps more than 10. That's a number out of the air
of course, the only number worth talking about has not been discovered yet

To be honest, I can't ever recall John saying he posts to 32 groups, but I
did a quick check, and in one page of results I found 19 groups that
Papajohn posts to. Even if you really have nothing better to do, please
don't bring your personality defects on this group. This has NOTHING to do
with Moviemaking. End of subject, end of thread. You appeared in another
thread to suggest that if you had received a message from Microsoft
regarding your behaviour that you would leave the group forever. You then
followed up in a different thread in which you quoted such a letter.

Please close the door quietly on your way out, thank you.


Well, what can I say. I have requested from you the list of 32
newsgroups I thought you said you posted too. I was wrong to do that. I can
see that now.

But there is a problem, you said, and this is a direct copy and
paste....This just wonderful

"As you know, I try to make my newsgroup postings short and to the point. I
post on 52 newsgroups and a few forums, and 99% of the posts are about Movie

Oh deary me, what can the matter be. So as this is on topic, because I
want to read all of the help you have given others in these FIFTY TWO

So please accept my Apologies for mis-quoting you. I hope the above snip
will make up for my lax way of reporting. So, the program rolls on. Since
this morning the reader has grabber just over 1 BILLION characters from the
headers of newsgroups. It has so far found 2097 messages. It still has some
way to go, I will then be able to have a good read. You may even want them
zipped up and sent to you...I will be pleased too obliged if this is
so.....there is perhaps 10 - 11 newsgroups founds so far.

You may be interested to know that you are not the only Papajohn posting
in newsgroups. There was one message from a Papajohn, I could not understand
what he was saying, and I found a Paperjohn who seems to deal in those codes
for cracking protected/copyrighted software. I have deleted all of these
people because I am quite sure they are not you. Interesting though.

Have a good one !!! John Kelly

P.S. Do you think I should start another thread referring to the 52
newsgroups and a few forums you post too, what do you think?

Well the rate of increase in the number of messages found anywhere in
Usenet over the last 999 days has slowed to a crawl and the amount of
Usenet left to search is both very small now and does not really contain
newsgroups that are likely to contain any messages.

There have been no new ones found, outside of the movie maker newsgroup in
the last two days. Some of those found are replies to messages cross-posted
in several newsgroups and are as a consequence also posted to the same

I'm still guessing, I had a flip through them this morning....52 newsgroups
you said....Nope not yet. Not even half that...and not even half of that
either!!! I at least expected to find something close to 52. Very
Sad....Very Sad indeed.

I am certain that the set of newsgroups containing less savoury things
would not be in the groups you post to and I have as far as I can guess ...
removed those from the list of newsgroups to be scanned...and that leaves
nothing at all. What has been interesting though is how long it has taken
to reach this point...I honestly thought it would be a whole lot quicker
than it has been.

So the search for 52 newsgroups is over...very sad. I had considered naming
them all and showing how many in each...I may leave it running, just to see
what happens in the future.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
(o o)

And if it should come to pass that our dreams come true, what then of our