seattlesweetie said:
im new so dont laugh... but how long does it take to get a response in
here ?--or does it just kinna vary? please get back thanks a heap
i dont even know what this MEANS!
You are using the web interface to a Usenet newsgroup. This is not
Microsoft although the newsgroups are hosted on Microsoft servers.
People who help live all over the world so it can often take between
24-48 hours for someone who knows the answer and wants to answer you to
reply. Or it can take only a few minutes. All the helpers are volunteers.
Notice that I said "wants to answer". For instance, I saw your first
post but chose not to answer it because it was too hard to read. While
no one expects perfect grammar and spelling, making your post clear and
easy to read is a good way to get people to help you. Here are some
links that will show you how to get answers on Usenet: