I am a beginer in OutLook and I have some questions on OutLook:
1 When I in Form's Designer on one of the page of a mail documen
choose a new CommandButton I could not
create code for clicking on this CommandButton. In Word or Excel b
doubleclicking on this button automatically
wsa opened code editor with code like:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
but in outLook it is not working! I have Office 2000 with SR1a an
Also I tried to create this code writing code in code editor bu
without success. How can I do it?
2 How can I tune my OutLook to send messages on my computer as i
several people sending messages to one
another without sending messages to Internet really. I working wit
Application_NewMail event and this
very diffecult waiting messages coming from Internet.
3 I created my form based on IPM.NOTE And I create
Application_NewMail event for it As far as I understand
this Application_NewMail event will be triggered for ANY new mail?
will have several different documents
based on IPM.NOTE. So all Application_ events must be common for al
docs? What will be if two different
documents have different Application_NewMail events?
And I need in event Application_NewMail to define if a new mail is bas
on my users for or not. Something like
if NewMail.BaseType= "IPM.Note.ForSigned" then ...
end if
I save my pattern in Form's Designer through "Save as" as a ForSign.of
Pattern file. And when in Form's Designer I
select this pattern for opening in Message Class I see "IPM.Note" bu
not "IPM.Note.ForSigned" how I expected!
What is Wrong
I am a beginer in OutLook and I have some questions on OutLook:
1 When I in Form's Designer on one of the page of a mail documen
choose a new CommandButton I could not
create code for clicking on this CommandButton. In Word or Excel b
doubleclicking on this button automatically
wsa opened code editor with code like:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
but in outLook it is not working! I have Office 2000 with SR1a an
Also I tried to create this code writing code in code editor bu
without success. How can I do it?
2 How can I tune my OutLook to send messages on my computer as i
several people sending messages to one
another without sending messages to Internet really. I working wit
Application_NewMail event and this
very diffecult waiting messages coming from Internet.
3 I created my form based on IPM.NOTE And I create
Application_NewMail event for it As far as I understand
this Application_NewMail event will be triggered for ANY new mail?
will have several different documents
based on IPM.NOTE. So all Application_ events must be common for al
docs? What will be if two different
documents have different Application_NewMail events?
And I need in event Application_NewMail to define if a new mail is bas
on my users for or not. Something like
if NewMail.BaseType= "IPM.Note.ForSigned" then ...
end if
I save my pattern in Form's Designer through "Save as" as a ForSign.of
Pattern file. And when in Form's Designer I
select this pattern for opening in Message Class I see "IPM.Note" bu
not "IPM.Note.ForSigned" how I expected!
What is Wrong