3 problems with Windows Mail



I have been using Windows Mail for a while. Since 31/7/08 I have been having
problems with sent emails. The sent emails no longer appear in my "sent"
box. I have checked tools/options/send and the box for "save copy of sent
messages in the Sent Items folder is definately ticked.
Also, I occassionally use my daughters laptop to access my emails. The
emails that I have opened and viewed on the laptop do not appear when I log
onto my PC. Is this normal? With MSN, I can open and view emails anywhere in
the world, and can still see any viewed emails regardless of where I am
logging on but this does not happen with my Windows Mail emails.
Finally, I have just created a new email address and can receive emails but
cannot send any (this applies to my new email address and my old one too).
The "my server requires authentication" box is ticked.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you


Sharon said:
I have been using Windows Mail for a while. Since 31/7/08 I have been
problems with sent emails. The sent emails no longer appear in my "sent"
box. I have checked tools/options/send and the box for "save copy of sent
messages in the Sent Items folder is definately ticked.
Also, I occassionally use my daughters laptop to access my emails. The
emails that I have opened and viewed on the laptop do not appear when I
onto my PC. Is this normal? With MSN, I can open and view emails anywhere
the world, and can still see any viewed emails regardless of where I am
logging on but this does not happen with my Windows Mail emails.
Finally, I have just created a new email address and can receive emails
cannot send any (this applies to my new email address and my old one too).
The "my server requires authentication" box is ticked.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you

You have had fun :)

When viewing your mail folders, ensure that at view>current view, you are
set to 'show all messages'?

Please copy/paste any error messages that windows mail generates when you
attempt to check your mail, into your reply to this thread.

Gary VanderMolen

It's probably best to address only one problem at a time.

The default for POP email clients is to delete messages from the server
after downloading them.
So, if both computers are checking the same email account, whichever
one completes its email download first will make those emails
unavailable to the second PC. To fix that problem, go to Tools,
Accounts, select your mail account, Properties, Advanced,
enable "Leave a copy of messages on server." Depending on how
much server space your ISP allows, you may want to select one or
both of the two associated 'remove' options.

Repeat the above on the second computer.


Thanks for the reply Mac. I have checked view/current view and the "show all
messages" option is already selected.
I am not getting any error messages with regards to the 3 problems listed.



Thank you for your reply Gary. I have already done this on the PC but the
laptop is currently being repaired and will not be back for another week or
so. When we get the laptop back, I will try this to see if it resolves one
of the problems.
Thank you


Sharon said:
I have been using Windows Mail for a while. Since 31/7/08 I have been
problems with sent emails. The sent emails no longer appear in my "sent"
box. I have checked tools/options/send and the box for "save copy of sent
messages in the Sent Items folder is definately ticked.
Also, I occassionally use my daughters laptop to access my emails. The
emails that I have opened and viewed on the laptop do not appear when I
onto my PC. Is this normal? With MSN, I can open and view emails anywhere
the world, and can still see any viewed emails regardless of where I am
logging on but this does not happen with my Windows Mail emails.
Finally, I have just created a new email address and can receive emails
cannot send any (this applies to my new email address and my old one too).
The "my server requires authentication" box is ticked.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you

OK so Gary put you right with the problem of WM clearing your server
mailbox, do NOT forget to apply it to the Laptop when you next see it.
When you do get the Laptop back apply the fix while it is "not connected to
the Internet", since WM by default checks for new mail on start up, and it
would clear the server again if online.

Now the first and third problem?

They contradict each other, in that if you have never been able to send mail
from either of the accounts, then how would they arrive in the Sent Items

Are those mails still in the Outbox?

If so? Try moving them ALL to your Drafts folder, if any will not move then
you may need to download and install the following Hotfix from M$?

Messages may be stuck in the Outbox when you use Windows Mail on a computer
that is running Windows Vista

Try sending a new mail?

Post the complete error message back here.

If no messages are in your Outbox, or when you have moved them, please get
back and tell us who your ISP is, (who you pay for internet access, or the
bit after the @ in your email addresses). So that we can try to give you the
correct settings for your mail provider.


Hello Mac,
Sorry for not making my earlier email very clear. I have 4 email accounts
on Windows email, 2 that were set up about 6 months ago and have been working
fine until the end of July. Since then, any sent emails are not showing in
the Sent Items box. I have just set up 2 new email accounts and could not
get one of them to work properly last night, but they seem to be OK today.
We still have the problem with no sent emails appearing in the Sent Items
box, but at least the emails are being sent OK.
Many thanks for your help

Gary VanderMolen

We have found that some antivirus programs can cause strange problems
in Windows Mail. The top three in that category are Norton, McAfee and
Trend Micro antivirus/security programs. Which one are you running?


Sharon said:
Hello Mac,
Sorry for not making my earlier email very clear. I have 4 email accounts
on Windows email, 2 that were set up about 6 months ago and have been
fine until the end of July. Since then, any sent emails are not showing
the Sent Items box. I have just set up 2 new email accounts and could not
get one of them to work properly last night, but they seem to be OK today.
We still have the problem with no sent emails appearing in the Sent Items
box, but at least the emails are being sent OK.
Many thanks for your help

The only thing that I can suggest is un-checking the tools option re' sent
mails>apply. Close WM.
Then restart the computer.
Now reset the option again.
I am suggesting this as an attempt to give the registry a kick in the
backside :)

Or you can check in the Registry? only if you feel competent? And at you own
Start>Run, type regedit>OK>navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Mail, near the bottom of
the right pane find "SaveInSentItems" it should have a value of 1 for it to
work. Do not make any changes to the Registry at this time

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