3 persistent error messages?



I keep getting 3 error messages, non seem to effect the computers performance but they are annoying
I am not sure if they are linked in anyway
1) After startup I am prompted to send Microsoft an error report regarding
App Name: updmgr.exe
AppVer: 1.5.2.
ModName: mfc42.dl
Offset: 0000135

2) When I open my scanner in photosuite I get a microsoft Internet Explorer error:
Root.html,Routecall(): Routing Liquid not foun

3) Upon shut down I get an application error message but it shuts down to quickly for me to read it all I have managed to note is a number 711c9c14 (Ithink!

Anybody know how to fix these issue

Many thanks AndyA


Those are more than likely where the files are stored that would return
your computer to the state it was in just prior to the updating you did.

Just to be safe, change the file folders names for a few weeks to make
sure everything continues to work well before deleting them.

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