A7N8X Deluxe is about one and one half years old. Today it appears as
if the 3Comm network connection does not funtion. Luckily, for some
reason I never knew, there is the NVIDIa ethernet available. It works.
Any ideas why this might happen?? Do you have any troubleshooting
tips? I just don't like having broken things around and I would like
to repair it. While there have been many storms this year, last night
was calm and I have no other possible reason.
if the 3Comm network connection does not funtion. Luckily, for some
reason I never knew, there is the NVIDIa ethernet available. It works.
Any ideas why this might happen?? Do you have any troubleshooting
tips? I just don't like having broken things around and I would like
to repair it. While there have been many storms this year, last night
was calm and I have no other possible reason.