3.5 Floppy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pungo
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I can't read floppy disk infor saved prior to XP update.
Anyone know how to access old data on 3.5 floppys
Pungo said:
I can't read floppy disk infor saved prior to XP update.
Anyone know how to access old data on 3.5 floppys

XP will happily read old floppy disks. If you cannot
read them then either your floppy disks or your
disk drive may be marginal.
"XP will happily read old floppy disks. If you canno
read them then either your floppy disks or you
disk drive may be marginal.

LOL, right. Windows xp is sucking, my self, melissa and more than I can recall alone in these forums have asked for help on this. Do a google search and you will find even more people having problems with xp and the ability to read floppy disks. Computers that had working floppy drives then had the missfortune of downgrading to xp all of a sudden have lost the ability to read their floppy drives

I my self have tried 2 brands now, sony and the mitsumi floppy on my new computer and neither worked. Replaced the cables 3 times, the power cord and supply once and even returned the mitsumi for another brand new drive and nothing. At least the people using nt got a fix for their bugy os, if only xp users could be so lucky
Bailey said:
"XP will happily read old floppy disks. If you cannot
read them then either your floppy disks or your
disk drive may be marginal."

LOL, right. Windows xp is sucking, my self, melissa and more than I can
recall alone in these forums have asked for help on this. Do a google search
and you will find even more people having problems with xp and the ability
to read floppy disks. Computers that had working floppy drives then had the
missfortune of downgrading to xp all of a sudden have lost the ability to
read their floppy drives.
I my self have tried 2 brands now, sony and the mitsumi floppy on my new
computer and neither worked. Replaced the cables 3 times, the power cord and
supply once and even returned the mitsumi for another brand new drive and
nothing. At least the people using nt got a fix for their bugy os, if only
xp users could be so lucky.
I don't rely on people's reports about something or other not working,
unless they can demonstrate that they have run some rigorous tests.

To substantiate your claim that WinXP is unable to read floppy disks that
could be read under previous versions of Windows, you need to do this:

- Get a Win98 boot disk from www.bootdisk.com.
- Boot the problem PC with this disk.
- Pop in a floppy disk that was unreadable under WinXP.
- Attempt to read the same files.

I wait with interest for your report.
Thanks for the reply Pegasus
I willg et the disk thiseve when I get home and can work on it. In the mean time may want to search these forums if you have not already. As mentioned alot of people are having this problem. With both brand new builds and with upgraded machines.

Btw my mitsumi drive works perfectly when I use the same cables from the xp machine tho toss it in a machine that is currently using windows 98 so the drive works.
Bailey said:
Thanks for the reply Pegasus,
I willg et the disk thiseve when I get home and can work on it. In the
mean time may want to search these forums if you have not already. As
mentioned alot of people are having this problem. With both brand new builds
and with upgraded machines..
Btw my mitsumi drive works perfectly when I use the same cables from the
xp machine tho toss it in a machine that is currently using windows 98 so
the drive works.


To get a floppy disk drive to work, each of the following elements must
- The drive itself
- The ribbon cable
- The controller on the motherboard
- The operating system

If you move the problem drive to another machine, using the same cable, then
you're changing two parameters: The operating system, and the controller.
How do you know which one is faulty?

If you boot the machine with a Win98 disk then you're changing one parameter
only, and you immediately know where the problem lies.
I also have had problems as of late with my floppy drive. I've removed it from my device manager (controller and Drive) tried changing the drivers to three mode and replacing the drive itself and cables
I put in a win ME start-up disk and did get the following errors reported
"The following file is missing or corrupted, Command.com"
jgjbj said:
I also have had problems as of late with my floppy drive. I've removed it
from my device manager (controller and Drive) tried changing the drivers to
three mode and replacing the drive itself and cables.
I put in a win ME start-up disk and did get the following errors reported.
"The following file is missing or corrupted, Command.com"

So why don't you get a Win98 boot disk from the site I quoted in my previous
got the win 98 boot disk, selected option #1 w/cdrom support. Message "Not a valid FAT or Fat32 format". I am using NTFS on win xp pro 160 gig. Of course I don't want to reformt
It seems that now I am able to open more floppies that before, but there are a few that are a few that I can't on the xp machine but can on the ME machine. I can't even get the properties of the files
For example, On one disk are two files a bmp. and a word pad file. When I try to access this disk the XP machine says to reformat the disk, on the ME machine both open up fine. Another disk created on the XP machine created March 5 (a quicken back-up file) will show when when I explore the disk but the drive will run continously when I try to display the properties of the file. Not so on the ME machine the file and properties will display promptly
Your thoughts?
jgjbj said:
got the win 98 boot disk, selected option #1 w/cdrom support. Message "Not
a valid FAT or Fat32 format". I am using NTFS on win xp pro 160 gig. Of
course I don't want to reformt.
It seems that now I am able to open more floppies that before, but there
are a few that are a few that I can't on the xp machine but can on the ME
machine. I can't even get the properties of the files.
For example, On one disk are two files a bmp. and a word pad file. When I
try to access this disk the XP machine says to reformat the disk, on the ME
machine both open up fine. Another disk created on the XP machine created
March 5 (a quicken back-up file) will show when when I explore the disk but
the drive will run continously when I try to display the properties of the
file. Not so on the ME machine the file and properties will display
Your thoughts?


Download & create the Win98 boot disk on a friend's PC, then boot your
machine with it. You will probably find that your floppy disk drive is
marginal. Replace it - they are cheap!
Downloaded and made the disk on another machine
Booted with it on my XP machine, the FDD is one day out of the wrapper
Can see all files using edit at the A:\ prompt except for .bmp. Not necessarily see them but jnow they are there. All text file are readable. I had not tried this on my previous reply, sorry
Still get the same results after booting into XP

Now for another potato in the stew....I've noticed that Outlook 2000 tries to access my 'a' drive when launched. Could I be looking in the wrong place
Thanks for your hel
jgjbj said:
Downloaded and made the disk on another machine.
Booted with it on my XP machine, the FDD is one day out of the wrapper.
Can see all files using edit at the A:\ prompt except for .bmp. Not
necessarily see them but jnow they are there. All text file are readable. I
had not tried this on my previous reply, sorry.
Still get the same results after booting into XP.

Now for another potato in the stew....I've noticed that Outlook 2000 tries
to access my 'a' drive when launched. Could I be looking in the wrong place.
Thanks for your help

Sorry to be persistent, but to confirm that your floppy disk drive, its
cable and the controller really work, you would need to run either of these
commands after booting into Win98:

- scandisk a:, then ask for a surface check (I assume that scandisk.exe is
on the disk); or
- diskcopy a: a: (you will need a second floppy disk)

About your Outlook 2000 question: you'd better start a new thread, this time
in an Outlook newsgroup.
Back, sorry for taking so long really bad weekend. And while you are correct moving the disk and the cable changes to peramiters it does prove the cable and the drive are working. Never had a single failure with them when I moved them. Took me a while to get the 98 boot dosk since it didnt like my large hard drive and the format it is in. Finally got it and can read floppys off it

Short fact is xp is well sucking, I and to many others have problems with it to be anything else. As to my new computer well got it working perfectly traded it in for an apple lap top. UJsed to hate apple tho their kicking arse with ipod, itunes and now even a working floppy drive wonder if microsoft will get to this point

Sadly cant trade in the upgraded computer and tired of screwing around with it. If any one has a fix for it then great. The disk the cable and the drive all worked using 98 the only parameter that changed was an "up"grade to xp.
The drivers in XP are more critical than those in W98. I
built this computer from all new components and have never
had any trouble with any software or hardware even though or
perhaps because it has never had any other OS installed but
XP Pro.

Perhaps some of your hardware is not completely up to XP
specs, perhaps there is some driver conflict involved in an
upgrade rather than a clean install.

On our old W98 HP6465 (433 Celeron) we've had so many BSOD
and system crashes that require a clean install (using that
damn HP restore disk) that the stability of XP is wonderful.
Nearly two years with a BSOD and any problems can be traced
to network/ISP problems.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| Hello,
| Back, sorry for taking so long really bad weekend. And
while you are correct moving the disk and the cable changes
to peramiters it does prove the cable and the drive are
working. Never had a single failure with them when I moved
them. Took me a while to get the 98 boot dosk since it didnt
like my large hard drive and the format it is in. Finally
got it and can read floppys off it.
| Short fact is xp is well sucking, I and to many others
have problems with it to be anything else. As to my new
computer well got it working perfectly traded it in for an
apple lap top. UJsed to hate apple tho their kicking arse
with ipod, itunes and now even a working floppy drive wonder
if microsoft will get to this point.
| Sadly cant trade in the upgraded computer and tired of
screwing around with it. If any one has a fix for it then
great. The disk the cable and the drive all worked using 98
the only parameter that changed was an "up"grade to xp.
Hello Jim
Like you I built the one I was lucky enough to trade in for a mac from scratch. All new components. I did not opt for a floppy drive at the time I went to build it, didnt want a floppy. Tho I later found out that xp is not smart enough to realize that a cd burner can be used to create disks, like the net working wizard trying to make a net work disk. So I had to install a floppy. Unfortuantly for me I did do something extremly stupid, I bought an xp "up"grade kit. Figured I would keep all the machines on the same os for networking compatability. I wish I could get a refund for the "up"grade version of xp.

Like I said the one thing that changed on the system was going to xp. It worked before on the "up"graded pc, and that I used to hate macs. Tho you know what the mac is working as it should be, just installed the game I currently play -shadowbane- and it is running perfectly just like it was on a pc. Apple is kicking arse right now, just wish microsoft could get to a place close to apple, like maybe working software for starters
You can do a clean install with the XP upgrade CD.

My system is an Intel D845GBVL mobo, 1.7 GHz Celeron (a P4
is one of my planned upgrades as soon as I can afford it), a
generic CD-RW and a Mitsumi black floppy. 2-256 PNY PC2100
and a CompUSA Firewire card and V.92 modem.

I think a very modern designed mobo is the most critical
item, everything else I bought to be as cheap as possible.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| Hello Jim,
| Like you I built the one I was lucky enough to trade in
for a mac from scratch. All new components. I did not opt
for a floppy drive at the time I went to build it, didnt
want a floppy. Tho I later found out that xp is not smart
enough to realize that a cd burner can be used to create
disks, like the net working wizard trying to make a net work
disk. So I had to install a floppy. Unfortuantly for me I
did do something extremly stupid, I bought an xp "up"grade
kit. Figured I would keep all the machines on the same os
for networking compatability. I wish I could get a refund
for the "up"grade version of xp.
| Like I said the one thing that changed on the system was
going to xp. It worked before on the "up"graded pc, and that
I used to hate macs. Tho you know what the mac is working as
it should be, just installed the game I currently
play -shadowbane- and it is running perfectly just like it
was on a pc. Apple is kicking arse right now, just wish
microsoft could get to a place close to apple, like maybe
working software for starters.
There are lots of message threads about how to use the
upgrade CD to do a clean install. If you have any previous
Windows CD, it can be used as "proof" for then upgrade CD to
See http://www.aumha.org/index.php

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| Hello Jim,
| I agree the motherboard is critical. Thats why when I
was putting together my new computer I had gone with the
ASUS A7N8X Deluxe wich is a decent mother board. I also had
the mitsumi drive -silver tho-. On the upgrade ill try and
figure out what is needed to do a clean install. Thank you
for the replys and the help, it is appriciated.