2TB SATA Available

Probably still worth getting 2 x 1TB drives for the time being, as they have fallen in price so much. No doubt the 2TB one will also come down in price substantially next year :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Probably still worth getting 2 x 1TB drives for the time being, as they have fallen in price so much. No doubt the 2TB one will also come down in price substantially next year :)

They haven't fallen that much in ireland....PC World are selling 1TB Maxtor drives for 120 euro. We get robbed over here.
:nod: Zzzzz
Newegg has one for $300 right now. Did pick up a WD 1TB a week or so ago for $105.

Yes I know things are cheaper on this side of the pond. :confused:
I don't seem to have alot to say anymore either Ady. I know you just fell out of your chair.
That I don't believe

Madxgraphics said:
Much like yersen....:p

The Midlands (espec. Mansfield area) inbreds' equivalent of the word 'yourself'​
Adywebb said:
That I don't believe


The Midlands (espec. Mansfield area) inbreds' equivalent of the word 'yourself'​

:D I thought he managed Arsenal!!:lol:

My first PC had a 120MB HDD more than enough to store data on And windows 95 came on Floppy Disks!!
AM, PM whats the difference?

Yeah it is,
Not long outta bed though.....Have to do the late shift this evening and was just having a play with my next new laptop.....it gets kind of addictive.
I'm trying to work out how HD partitions work and how they're set up. Thought i'd have it sorted by now....not to worry. What time is it whereever you are??
:) Zzzzz
Its 9:30am where I'm at. ;)

Just downloaded the OpenSolaris thing Mucks posted about and may have a go at it later this afternoon. :p