Dave Elliott
Trying to calculate how many records have employees with a count greater
than 2 that worked on the same day.
That is any record that has more than 2 employees on the same day...
This is a single sub-form with record selectors
=DCount("[EmployeeID]","Employees","[Work Date] = " & [WorkDate])
SELECT Hours.SinMar, Hours.NoAllow, Hours.PayRate, Hours.Hours,
IIf([TEmpOrCon].[EmpOrCon]=0.2,1*[PayRate],[Hours]*[PayRate]) AS RegPay,
Hours.OTRate, Hours.Overtime, [Hours].[OTRate]*[Overtime]*[PayRate] AS
OTPay, [RegPay]+[OTPay] AS ExpPayPerDay, Hours.TimeID, Hours.HoursID,
Hours.EmployeeID, Employees.[First Name], Hours.[Work Date], Employees.[Last
Name], Hours.ChkNoID, IIf(IsNull([ChkNoID]),0,-1) AS Paid
FROM (Hours LEFT JOIN Employees ON Hours.EmployeeID = Employees.[Employee
ID]) LEFT JOIN TEmpOrCon ON Employees.EmpOrCon = TEmpOrCon.EmpOrConID
ORDER BY Hours.[Work Date] DESC , Employees.[Last Name];
Probably will have to put on either Time and Hours or footer on same and
The rest of the code will be on the main form TimeCards using a unbound
textbox using the values
of the Time and Hours form
than 2 that worked on the same day.
That is any record that has more than 2 employees on the same day...
This is a single sub-form with record selectors
=DCount("[EmployeeID]","Employees","[Work Date] = " & [WorkDate])
SELECT Hours.SinMar, Hours.NoAllow, Hours.PayRate, Hours.Hours,
IIf([TEmpOrCon].[EmpOrCon]=0.2,1*[PayRate],[Hours]*[PayRate]) AS RegPay,
Hours.OTRate, Hours.Overtime, [Hours].[OTRate]*[Overtime]*[PayRate] AS
OTPay, [RegPay]+[OTPay] AS ExpPayPerDay, Hours.TimeID, Hours.HoursID,
Hours.EmployeeID, Employees.[First Name], Hours.[Work Date], Employees.[Last
Name], Hours.ChkNoID, IIf(IsNull([ChkNoID]),0,-1) AS Paid
FROM (Hours LEFT JOIN Employees ON Hours.EmployeeID = Employees.[Employee
ID]) LEFT JOIN TEmpOrCon ON Employees.EmpOrCon = TEmpOrCon.EmpOrConID
ORDER BY Hours.[Work Date] DESC , Employees.[Last Name];
Probably will have to put on either Time and Hours or footer on same and
The rest of the code will be on the main form TimeCards using a unbound
textbox using the values
of the Time and Hours form