I've a server with two nics. Today I've connected the second, previuosly
disconnected. The two nics are on different subnets, phisically on the same
If I send packets frop a client to the second (ping, or an http request), I
can see inbound packets growing, but there are not total outbound packets
change and therefore the client has in fact no response.
If I ping the gateway of second nic from the server, I can see the outbound
and inbound packets growing, so I think the nic is properly connected and
With the first nic all right.
Waht can be? The server has ISA server installed, but I think the problem is
not related to this, because I've tried so shutdown it, and there is no
disconnected. The two nics are on different subnets, phisically on the same
If I send packets frop a client to the second (ping, or an http request), I
can see inbound packets growing, but there are not total outbound packets
change and therefore the client has in fact no response.
If I ping the gateway of second nic from the server, I can see the outbound
and inbound packets growing, so I think the nic is properly connected and
With the first nic all right.
Waht can be? The server has ISA server installed, but I think the problem is
not related to this, because I've tried so shutdown it, and there is no