Tricky problem here: I have a Dell Dimension 4100 running
Windows2000. That system ran two hard drives: Maxtor
20GB (Master) and an IBM Deskstar 40GB (Slave).
Recently, the primary hard drive (Maxtor) started having
problems so I purchased a new Deskstar 80GB to put in its
place. My problem is centered around the old slave drive
(40GB deskstar). I want to keep that drive as the slave
and not lose the data on it. The hardware seems to work:
jumpers set correctly, Bios sees both drives. Also,
Win2000 running on the new drive works fine and the
Windows device manager sees both drives. However, I
cannot see or access the slave drive in Windows explorer,
DOS or in my apps. (I can see c:Master drive, dVD,
e:CD, but no slave drive letter). Any suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.
Windows2000. That system ran two hard drives: Maxtor
20GB (Master) and an IBM Deskstar 40GB (Slave).
Recently, the primary hard drive (Maxtor) started having
problems so I purchased a new Deskstar 80GB to put in its
place. My problem is centered around the old slave drive
(40GB deskstar). I want to keep that drive as the slave
and not lose the data on it. The hardware seems to work:
jumpers set correctly, Bios sees both drives. Also,
Win2000 running on the new drive works fine and the
Windows device manager sees both drives. However, I
cannot see or access the slave drive in Windows explorer,
DOS or in my apps. (I can see c:Master drive, dVD,
e:CD, but no slave drive letter). Any suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.