2GB vs 4GB


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've currently got 2GB of Patriot PC2-6400 C4 Extreme Performance memory (2x1GB sticks), and I'm considering upgrading to 4GB and moving to 64bit.

Has anyone made a similar jump and noticed an increase in performance? I do lots of multi tasking, so I think it should make a bit of an improvement... but I don't know if it's just the itch to upgrade something ;)

Its £25 to buy another 2GB of the same type of ram, or a whole 4GB of something slightly slower for £35... will have to think on which I go for (as I could use the first 2GB in Beckys PC).
go for it Ian I've got 4GB myself I went from 2GB 32bit to 4GB 64 bit. The performance gain has been exceptional. Multi tasking is now never a problem.

Plus the prices are really good now too - I say you go for 2 X 2GB sticks :)
Nope, you'll want to go for 8gb with Vista 64bit ... or wait for Win7


I still have the above for sale at a reduced price £18 all in. Just read a good article at Tom's Reviews seems that 3GB is the best you can have for gaming any more and any performance gain is insignificant. 4GB should help out with some programs. Go for it its cheap as chips at the moment. It would not be the best move to buy the slower ram though in my humble opinion.

Thanks for the advice folks, I've got one eye on Windows 7 later on this year - I want my machine to be in shape for that :D

Cheers Abarbarian, will have a think on it - but might go for the patriot as then I can get matched ram. If it's out of stock and I can't get it, then I'll PM you :thumb:
Hi Ab, just to let you know that I found the matched memory, so I've now got some of that and I'm chugging along at 4GB now :) I'm sure someone will go for it though, as that's some good RAM.

All I need now is a 64bit OS!
Personally im waiting for Windows 7 before i upgrade to a 64bit OS.
Buying Vista right now would be a waste - seeing how it will be phased out (maybe?), so ill stick with my 32bit XP :D
Sounds like a smart move Alf :) Windows 7 RC is out around 5th May, and then we might see the full thing by the end of the year.

I'm on 32bit Vista on my main PC, but going to make the jump to 64bit once Windows 7 is released.
Im not even sure if i need a 64Bit OS honestly- other than the ability to use more RAM and DX10. Theres nothing that interest me in a 64Bit OS. Although im sure im missing something :)