Aggy said:
I have 2 1GB memory modules -> STD 184P DDR333
DIMM(128Mx64) (PC2700/64Mx4/2.5-3-3)
I can us both of the 1GB modules in MS-DOS but can only use 1GB
module when using win98 SE. How can I get both 1GB memory
modules to work with win98 SE.
The error message I get trying to use 2 1GB modules with win98 SE.
Insufficient memory to initialize windows. Quit one or more
memory-resident programs or remove unnecessary utilities from your
Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files, and restart your computer.
Thanks for your help man.
I'm surprised that RAM configuration works. The RAM control signals
would be seeing twice the load they normally do. The (16) x4 chips
form a single bank, not two banks like a normal double sided module.
Have you tested the memory with memtest86 from ? I'm
interested in whether this RAM config passes or not. On the Mushkin
website, no 845PE based motherboards were listed as able to drive
that kind of 1GB module. (The proper kind of 1GB modules with x8
chips still are not available cheaply or in volume.)
As for the OS question, I think you should be able to use any OS you
feel like. Win98 is perfectly happy with 512MB of memory, but needs
some assistance if using more than that. If more than 1GB of memory
is present in the machine, then a variable has to be set to throw
away the extra memory. This allows you to have a dual boot
configuration without having to physically remove memory every time
you boot up in Win98. The changes all go into the system.ini file.
There are two settings "MaxPhysPage" and "MaxFileCache". MaxPhysPage
is like physically removing memory from the machine, and a setting
of 20000 hex guarantees there will be no problems (as it limits the
ram win98 can use to 512MB). You add MaxPhysPage=20000 to the
[386Enh] section of the System.ini file.
If you set MaxPhysPage to values between 20000 hex and 40000 hex
(512MB to 1GB), then the Vcache fix is needed as well. Set
MaxFileCache=524288 or less in the [VCache] section of system.ini .
This prevents the Vcache from using too much address space.
Setting MaxPhysPage to more than 40000 hex (i.e. >1GB memory) will
probably result in the "Out of Memory" message. You can experiment
with it if you want, but don't expect stability if you do. In
my experiences with 4x256 sticks in my old computer, I only got a
working system when MaxPhysPage was less than 30000. Not everyone
was as unlucky as me.
And post back with the results of your memtest run... I'm curious.[email protected]
Good luck,