26th June 2006

We've just moved flats and we've not got anywhere to put her PC, but Bex has also got loads of exams at work the coming weeks so I'm doing it for the moment until they are over. She'll be back though in no time :D
Ian Cunningham said:
We've just moved flats and we've not got anywhere to put her PC, but Bex has also got loads of exams at work the coming weeks so I'm doing it for the moment until they are over. She'll be back though in no time :D
Well hope she does well in her exams :thumb:
I hope you keep it to her high standards;)
Must admit i'm tempted with one of the recent motherboard reviews on AM2:D
Sexy Bex said:
Glad to see I'm missed! ;)
Train him now Becks & he will be OK.
I never argue with Women smaller than me!
As a girlf friend once said "Knee+Groin=Pain":(