250G Hard Disk showing up as 137G

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I have undertaken a search on this forum as to what I need to do to enable me
to see the full space allocation of a 250G Maxtor disk.

The C drive currently shows as 137G when I go to My Computer. The machine
had SP2 on it when the old C drive (80G) was replaced with this new one. All
the s/w (including OS) was copied from the 80G to the 250G.

I followed the instructions as indicated on one of the questions and
installed MaxBlaster which puts in 48 bit LBA support. I was hoping that
this would show the full disk allocation, but ALAS no such joy.

I have also read one of the Microsoft knowledge Base document (KB) 303013
and it gives instructions on how to enable 48-bit LBA support.

The KB document mentions looking for the version number for ATAPI.SYS, and
that it should be 5.1.2600.1135, my version number is 5.1.2600.abcd (where
abcd is greater than 1135, {I cannot remember the exact version number}).

When I go into the PC setup (F1), then the following information is visible
under the CMOS for the primary IDE capacity 251G.

I am therefore puzzled as to why the full space allocation is not visible.

I am sure I am missing something, and would therefore be grateful for any
assistance anyone can offer to allow me to see and use the full allocation.


Sorry to sound thick, but can you expand a bit, what do you mean by disk
management? Do you mean whether it is FAT32 or NTFS?
He means go to disk management and see what it says about the drive.

Here is how:
Use Start ---Settings ---> Control panel.
Select Administrative tools applet then computer management.
Then select Disk management.
It should show you the drive(s), how it is partitioned and what portions is
It is possible that the whole drive is shown there but only a portion of it
is allocated.

Firstly, thanks for participation.

Disk Management says the following:-

Volume C
Layout Partition
Type Basic
File System NFTS
Capacity 137.13GB
Free Space 105GB

After the above information, it details the following:-

Disk 0, Basic. 233.76GB, Online

Please note I have another disk which is over the 137 threshold (Drive D)
which is NFTS but that shows the full allocation as 300GB.

One last bit of information that may be crucial is that the OS is XP Home

When you formated the drive before usage was your BIOS updated?

It looks like you either formated when your BIOS was unable to see the
rest of the disk or your windows disk is XP without one of the service

You have disk which is 233GB (250GB).

You have one partition which is 137.13GB

The rest of the disk is not allocated. Thus you could use disk manager to
create another partition in the unallocated space on this disk (would become
another drive letter after partitioning and formatting)

(My approach and the safer approach in my view)

You could also extend the existing partition into the unallocated space.
This is easier done with third party software such as partitionmagic.
However, please look at this article for how to using winXP tools:


If you plan on trying to extend the existing partition please bback up all
important data prior to starting

In response to your valuable help, I have the following answers:-

A friend of my copied the original old hard drive (40GB) which have SP2 and
all my applications to the new 250GB drive. I was advised that he used some
sort of cloning product (not Norton as he doesn’t like it!!).

Secondly, I personally haven’t updated the BIOS; whether my friend did as
part of the disk replacement I am unsure.

How can I ascertain what the BIOS version number is or whether it is what
just what came with the PC? If I undertake a BIOS update, would I see the
whole 250GB? If Yes, then can you point me in the direction of how to do it
and the pitfalls. My PC is a Microstar and I don’t think they even make them


I did not want another partition and hence have not even pursued that line
of thinking.

Having read the article you mentioned it referees to Dynamic Disks and
hardware RAID 5 container!!. Not being that clued up on these items, I am
loathed to go down this avenue.

Seeing as the World Cup has started and it is the weekend I am off to the
pub to start celebrating the weekend. I will have a drink for you guys who
have helped so far.

Thank you and Regards

It could be anything then really... I wasn't aware that your HD had
been cloned. I am inclined to move away from the BIOS theory then and
back to your friends cloning software...

I am willing to bet his system or cloning software does not support
drives over 137gig...

Goodluck!!! Down a pint of Guiness for me...

I understand. It may not work anyway since it appears to be a system volume.

What you have may very likely be a result of the cloning accomplished by
your friend. The cloning software may only have been able to handle 137GB.

Thus, your option for having one partition (one drive letter) for the whole
drive becomes something like partition magic. There are several others like
Partion Manager, Ranish partion manager or bootitng.
Randy, Jon,

Firstly many thanks for your time.

Secondly, as Jon suggests I may try Partition magic to increase the
Partition, though will this be able to see the full 250GB?

Randy, I had a couple of pints for you last night.


Then do as allready suggested, create another partition in the free space
and format this.
You will finish up with another drive letter.
The above is done in Disk Management.
Or purchase Partition Magic, or similar, and use this to extend your C,
current partition to make use of all the free space.