24th December onwards!

Jan 14, 2006
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I dare not mention the festive season the starts here on the 24/12.
But have just seen a lorry delivering 2k of festve trees for the C*****mas season!!!
Does this mean the sales will start early this year & shops will start gearing up early?
feckit said:
I dare not mention the 1 festive season the starts here on the 2 24/12.
But have just seen a lorry delivering 2k of 3 festve trees for the 4 C*****mas season!!!
Does this mean the sales will start early this year & shops will start gearing up early?

Oh my word...You say you dare not mention, yet you have mentioned no less than 4 times in a round about way...Naughty naughty...Think shops start gearing up around Ocober or so. Iceland has already got some "word deleted" stock in the freezers. But there again it is Iceland so it could be last years stock..:p
The thread will probably get locked anyway by Sir Flopps or may be Mucks!
But i have NEVER mentioned the word outright nor would i before the 24th of the 12th!:rolleyes:
Kill the turkeys, ducks and chickens,
Mix the punch, drag out the dickens,
Even though the prospect sickens,
Brother, here we go again.


As soon as shops can't flog Halloween stuff anymore there's going to be Christmas (teehee) things everywhere. At least there is plenty of time to prepare for the onslaught ;)

We've got the VAT rise to look forward to on the 1st Jan too (I don't know if that will make any difference though, as prices didn't seem to change in lots of places anyway).
Ian Cunningham said:
As soon as shops can't flog Halloween stuff anymore there's going to be Christmas (teehee) things everywhere.
You mentioned the "C" word Ian!
If you were not the boss you would be banned by now!!!!:rolleyes:
lol.. I`m off camping 2moz for 3 days ...take the flack when back :)