The code below is giving me a 2465 error. I'm fairly new to VBA, but can
usually figure these things out after a bit of trial and error, but this one
has done me in so far. The code:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull([All NOTS].[Pic_Location] = True) Then
PicPic.Picture = CurrentProject.Path & "\Pics\NoPicYet.jpg"
End If
End Sub
I've checked field/table names over and over and tried a few other things.
BTW, I'm trying to get a picture in a form, if there is no pic file in the
Pic_Location field, display the NoPicYet.jpg file.
Any ideas?
The code below is giving me a 2465 error. I'm fairly new to VBA, but can
usually figure these things out after a bit of trial and error, but this one
has done me in so far. The code:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull([All NOTS].[Pic_Location] = True) Then
PicPic.Picture = CurrentProject.Path & "\Pics\NoPicYet.jpg"
End If
End Sub
I've checked field/table names over and over and tried a few other things.
BTW, I'm trying to get a picture in a form, if there is no pic file in the
Pic_Location field, display the NoPicYet.jpg file.
Any ideas?