2013 Steam Summer Sale


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score

So, its nearly that time again......!

Steam trading cards come out of beta tomorrow, sparking rumours that the sale is imminent.


Steam Trading Cards - Leaving Beta Soon!
We're going to move Trading Cards out of beta next Wednesday June 26th at 11am PDT.

This means all the features you all have been helpful in testing are going to be made available to everyone on Steam. We'll be adding Trading Cards to several games that day as well (instead of the normal Tuesday & Thursday release).

We'll be continuing to iterate on existing features and add new ones after the release. There are a few things we have talked about previously that we really wanted to get to, that have now been pushed till post release - Trade Offers, and the Card Binder. They will still get done we just don't have an exact timeline on that.

For now until release we're going to focus on fixing up all the existing bugs and issues. Please continue to give feedback and comments, it's all been very helpful. This group will continue to exist post-release as the place to talk about cards and get announcements on any changes.

Making trading cards available to all Steam users is a step towards an event we think everyone can be excited about...

What are you hoping to see on sale? Whats on your wishlist?

For me its going to be....
- Bioshock Infinite
- Grid 2
- Metro List Light

Then the usual random other ones that i never knew i needed! lol
I love Steam sales :D

Not sure if there's anything that I'm after at the moment though - I've still got a couple of games that I've not even played from the last sale :o.

AOE II HD and FarCry 3 Blood Dragon would be on my sale wishlist.
I've still got a couple of games that I've not even played from the last sale :o.

Your not the only one!

Its when you go to buy something, only to find out you already own it, thats when you need to take a step back! :lol:
Place your bets then. 6pm tonight? Or.....?
I just bought Dust: An Elysian Tale for half price and it's pretty good, despite being a bit 'cutesy-wutesy'.

Well at least it was, until I got to the first boss bit, now it's really hard gurrrrrrr :mad:

I knew I should have stocked up on armour and stuff but I didn't. Might have to back pedal and do that thing.

I also notice Ubisoft's Final Fantasy VII, which is absolutely yonks old, is now on Steam. I got it some time ago direct from Ubisoft for half the price Steam are charging. And after all this time it's still actually quite good.

One word of advice, read a review or two before purchase, had I done that in the past I'd have saved quite a few pennies as I have bought some real garbage in the past.

I'm not sure if there's anything I want, perhaps Borderlands 2 DLC and that Trackmania new one looks good.

I also recently bought Call of Juarez Gunslinger, only £12 and it's very good indeed imo. It's just a straight forward shoot-em-up but lottsa fun.
Yes i've read that too, I've not looked but apparently all the daily deals etc end tomorrow, making way for the Summer sale. :)

Place your bets now!
An important flow chart to help you get the most out of this sale.... I hope it helps.

Nothing in the first batch to interest me, all those I'd be interested in I already have, though I probably didn't pay full price for any of them anyway.

Flash sales at the moment (they only last 8 hours) includes GRID 2 for £18 which I'd recommend, probably the best price you'll get for at least 6 months or so, I'd guess.

And if you don't have them Bioshock Infinite and Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger get my vote as well.
Same here Flops, nothing that I'm interested in at the moment (that I don't already have) - although I'm sure there'll be some good stuff pop in in the flash sales soon.
Have bought Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon which is good but not as funny as it thinks it is and also is way too long between auto-saves.

Plus picked up a train Sim add-on down from 25 to 5 and have these lined up, maybe/maybe not, sale prices expire 22nd July:

System Shock 2 £3.74 (Actually have this game but worth the small price to play it on a modern computer)
Borderlands 2 season pass £13.39 down from 20
Dragonborn for Skyrim, reduced a little, but I was going to buy that anyway
Mini Motor Racing EVO for £1.74. I have no idea if this is any good or not but reminds me of an old Win 98 game 'Ignition' and other mini racing games. Can't find a review.
And maybe, not sure: Euro Truck Simulator 2 at half price at £12.49. Is this game any good I wonder?

If you see Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger going cheap again I'd recommend it, I've almost finished it atm on normal setting, good fun.
System Shock 2 was reduced again to £1.74 (and will stay at that price until around 18:00 this Sunday evening) so I bought it. It runs very well, currently have resolution set to 1280 x 1024 and you can save anywhere you like. The controls are laid out a little odd though, I had to remap a lot of those. If you never played this game then well worth buying at the low price or even worth buying if you fancy playing it again, imo.

I also bought the Mini Motor Racing: EVO game. My verdict? Don't bother, the cars handle - as David Bowie once sang - like tigers on vaseline. The first 4 races I came last in each one, usually being lapped as well. But this accumulated me enough cash for an upgrade so I upgraded handling. The next race I came first. I also figured it out you can bash your opponents off the track.

Probably a nice little phone or tablet app but imo it don't cut the mustard as a fully fledged computer game.
It's on! :D

Half Life 2 for £3.49 is pretty good! :D

HL2 is now £1.75 or get all of em for £6.49 :D

I just got,

Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
7.49 GBP
Max Payne 3 (ROW)
6.24 GBP
System Shock 2
1.74 GBP
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary
22.49 GBP

That should keep me busy in the autumn. :lol:
Abarb, every one of those games is a cracker imo, excellent choices, Skyrim especially is a bargain, I will be buying the final add on pack for just under a tenner before the sale ends so to get the complete game and all expansions/add-ons for £22.49 is very good indeed.

System Shock 2 is a very old game and the gameplay reflects this, can be a little tedious to start with but it does get going and is still a good game.

I just bought the Borderlands 2 Season Pass and was very pleased to discover it consisted of five add-ons and not three as I thought.

You get for your money:

Captain Scarlett & Her Pirate's Booty
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
Mr Torgue's Campaign Of Carnage
Ultimate Vault Hunter's Upgrade Pack
Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep.

And as I originally pre-purchased the game I also got The Mecromancer Pack which is basically extra weapons, items and another character.

I have finished the game and also managed to get about half way through the game again in Vault Hunter mode (very hard) so have now started game again at normal difficulty mode with a different character and of course I have all those add-ons.

I enjoyed this game a great deal so that should me occupied for a fair bit :)

The only thing I'll probably buy now is the Skyrim add-on, unless something real good that I don't already have comes up before 22nd July. I quite fancy Ride To Hell: Retribution, would be good to see that reduced in the sale from it's current price of £35.
Skyrim yeah I was going to wait and see if it dipped even lower and then thought nah I'll miss it all together if I don't buy now. Good price :D

System Shock 2 I posted about that in February. Funny how a 14 year old game can still entertain. I thought the graphics looked ok on the trailer I saw.
Looking forward to playing all me stack of games in the autumn when it is cooler as atm I am baking in me wooden shack with its tin roof. Hardly a whisker of insulation in the roof void so I freeze in winter and bake in summer.
I have a cast iron plan to solve that problem, hopefully it will happen in the next week or so.
Skyrims a great game, I'm a little annoyed they have just released the trading cards for it after i've just put 250 hours into it! Same with Tomb Raider! :mad: :lol:

Also, how true is this for everyone!?
