200gig HD

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I have put in a 200gig HD as a slave. I cannot see it in My Computer. Can
anyone help my to fix this problem please?

In order to see it in "My Computer" (windows explorer), the drive must be
partitioned and formatted. Right click "My Computer", select manage. Click
on "Disk Management". You should see the new drive as free space. Right
click on the free space and create one or more partitions (FAT32 is only
available if you are creating partitions under 32GB, NTFS is recommended for
most users). Once you've done this, then you should see the drive in Windows
Explorer. You will need to format it before writing data to it, just right
click the drive to choose this.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
I have put in a 200gig HD as a slave. I cannot see it in My Computer. Can
anyone help my to fix this problem please?
Check your BIOS settings for Primary slave H/D and make sure it isn't
set to none. If so set it to auto detect, save settings and restart.
BTW, how old is PC? Some BIOS's have a max HD limit of circa 130GBytes.