So, why did you install a BETA on a mission critical, production machine
DESPITE these warnings:
About Beta Software
a.. Registration is required for participation.
b.. 2007 Microsoft Office system Beta 2 is for evaluation and planning
purposes only.
c.. Beta software does not necessarily display the same high level of
stability of shipped Microsoft products.
d.. Beta testers may experience problems with 2007 Microsoft Office system
Beta 2 products that could potentially result in loss, corruption, or
destruction of existing data.
e.. This beta testing release is not appropriate for production use.
f.. It is strongly recommended that you back up your existing data before
you install and run this software.
g.. Beta code is offered "as is," and does not include technical support.
h.. Many organizations have policies prohibiting unauthorized software
installation on company-owned computers. Make sure you check with your IT
department before downloading and installing 2007 Microsoft Office system
Beta 2 on your computer at work.
Take note of points D & E (or 4 & 5) - sorry, no sympathy for you here.
Consider it a learning experience.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Dione Young asked:
| Thanks for the suggestion Sue. Sadly that did not take care of the
| issue. I understand its a beta, but Outlook's calender has been my
| saving grace for a number of years for being where I need to be when
| I need to be so getting this resolved is a bit imperative for me.
| Thanks,
| Dione
| "Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
|| Try removing all add-ins in Tools | Trust Center. And remember, it's
|| a beta.
|| --
|| Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
|| Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
|| and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
|| Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
|| message ||| I love the new 2007 outlook with lots of cool features, but I am
||| having a major issue with every time I want to add a new
||| appointment or edit an old one the program crashes, sends the error
||| report & restarts with no way to fix it. I have re-installed the
||| program & performed the program repair option also.
||| Any suggestions?
||| Thanks,
||| Dioneo