I've spent a whole day trying to get this to work maybe someone else has been more successfull.
I can get Active Sync to connect to the Pocket PC 2003 Emulator. I've sent and received outlook mail via the emulator. The active sync connection appears to work.
I want to install the free Acrobat Reader for Pocket PC on the Emulator to test the display of pdf files on the device. Adobe has 4 install files posted. One labeled for each of PPC2002, ARM, MIMS, SH3. I tried each one and even a 3rd party PDF reader for Pocket PC and consistently received the same error message from the Active Sync. The device connected (the Emulator) does not support the application. The install will proceed with a compatible device is connected.
Can anyone solve this problem? Is there a setting on the Emulator that lets me control what its emulating (arm, mims, sh3)
Thanks to all
I can get Active Sync to connect to the Pocket PC 2003 Emulator. I've sent and received outlook mail via the emulator. The active sync connection appears to work.
I want to install the free Acrobat Reader for Pocket PC on the Emulator to test the display of pdf files on the device. Adobe has 4 install files posted. One labeled for each of PPC2002, ARM, MIMS, SH3. I tried each one and even a 3rd party PDF reader for Pocket PC and consistently received the same error message from the Active Sync. The device connected (the Emulator) does not support the application. The install will proceed with a compatible device is connected.
Can anyone solve this problem? Is there a setting on the Emulator that lets me control what its emulating (arm, mims, sh3)
Thanks to all