2003: Any Rows In My ADODB Recordset?

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Hi ya'll,
Running a few thousand strSQL Recordsets, how can I see the ones that are returned with no records? Debug.Print just skips over them w/o error . . ..
how can I see the ones that are returned with no records?

If Left(strSQL, 6) = "SELECT" Then
' it's a recordset

' it's a executable INSERT or UPDATE

End If


Tim F
It might also be a parameter query, in which case you need to go a bit

If Left(strSQL, 6) = "SELECT" Then
' it's a recordset
ElseIf Left(strSQL, 10) = "PARAMETERS" Then
If Left(Mid(strSQL, Instr(1, strSQL, ";") + 1), 6) = "SELECT" Then
' it's a recordset
' it's a executable INSERT or UPDATE
End If
' it's a executable INSERT or UPDATE
End If

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

Microsoft Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
It might also be a parameter query, in which case you need to go a bit


Actually, since a make-table query is strictly executable but still begins
with SELECT, then we should be testing for an INTO clause coming before the
FROM one. This is starting to sound like a full-blown LISP application!

All the best

Tim F
Jim Shores said:
Hi ya'll,
Running a few thousand strSQL Recordsets, how can I see the ones
that are returned with no records? Debug.Print just skips over them
w/o error . . ..

Jim, I'm not sure that Tim and Graham have answered your question.
Assuming that your recordsets are being opened on SELECT queries, are
you wondering how to tell whether a recordset is empty? If so, you
should be able to check either ...

If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
' the recordset is empty
End If

or ...

If (rst.BOF = True) And(rst.EOF = True) Then
' the recordset is empty
End If

I don't work with ADO much, so I'm not sure whether RecordCount will be
0 for an empty recordset regardless of cursor type.
You know, Dirk's right Tim. We were too concerned about the technicalities
that we forgot to explain why were doing so.

Jim, what Tom and I were trying to say was that only SELECT queries will
return records. So by checking the SQL statement itself, you can eliminate
those that cannot return records.

Also (I don't know if you want to go this way), another way is to execute
the queries against an ADO connection or command object. The ADO Execute
method returns a RecordsAffected parameter.
Dim RA As Long
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
'- - -
cmd.Execute RA

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

Microsoft Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
Jim, I'm not sure that Tim and Graham have answered your question.
Assuming that your recordsets are being opened on SELECT queries, are
you wondering how to tell whether a recordset is empty?

Fair cop. Actually, my preference is for (a) getting the server to do as
much work as possible and (b) saving the network from traffic [1]. The
following seems to work albeit with limited testing:

strCount = "SELECT COUNT(*)=0 AS IsEmpty FROM (" & strSQL & ")"

Set rs = conn.Execute(strCount)
fRecordSetIsEmpty = rs.Fields("IsEmpty")

[1] Alright: I know that Access-Jet will pass whole pages up the network
regardless, but one day we will all be working with proper servers...

B Wishes

Tim F