2002 runtime vs access 07



I have a consumables database running via SQL05, the front end uses the 02
runtime environment to operate. The sw is provided by intellitrack. I also
have access 07 and users who use access 07 front ends to do various things I
have designed. On the machines that have the IT SW, it will not operate
after installation of access 07. The folks at company A want us to buy a
whole new SW set that supports use of access 07 in the environment. By no
means is this SW cheap. 3-4k for 4 users and support for 1 year... I think
were being washed dried and hung out for the birds to land on us by the
intellitrac folks. Surly they can make a patch or adjust something on their
SW to allow access 07/Office pro to run without causing crashes in the 02
runtime scenario of that application.
As a second opinion and since they already have an app that can run with the
07 access, wouldn’t you provide a patch or something to allow companies who
have already purchased your software the ability to use what they have
already purchased.
For example, you buy a car today that uses gas version 1 and all the gas
stations in your area decided to upgrade to version 2 the next day and only
provide version 2, and your car only runs on version 1, so now you buy a new
car because the gas station changed the gas they have. You are now the lucky
owner of a $30-40k rolling yard gnome?
Any comment s or suggestions would be appreciated

Dave the Disgruntled access user….


On those machines where you have installed 07, have you installed the Office
2007 Service Pack 1?

I don't know about the runtime, but if you have a complete install of a
pervious versioin of Access and Install 2007, it will work, but SP 1 is
required for performance and some other issues.


I do not have sp1 installed, i will try it on a test machine, to be perfectly
honest, i didnt know there was a sp1 out yet.


Yes, it is out. One of the issues it help with was multiple versions
installed on the same system.


Okay well the patch did not actually "fix" the issue. It did make the switch
between the two faster.

Procedure we use to run both. Install tracking software 1st with no version
of access at all. It will install 2002 runtime, install access 03 and then
install access 07. Without access 03 it just will not run. Although, when
I use access 07 and then close the application. Then start the other
application 2002 runtime will configure and run the app, access 03 does not
configure/install. The switch is much faster with the sp1 patch than without
it, so that s a plus. I think its more complicated then just access 02, 03
and 07 I think there is also issues with the .net and iis versions. //sigh

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