Greetings --
Because, by trying to start the Win2K installation from within
WinXP, the OS naturally presumes that you're trying to "downgrade."
It has no way of knowing that you want a dual-boot configuration. No
OS that I've ever heard of has the built-in ability to replace itself
with an older version.
The Win2K installation must be started from outside of WinXP -
normally by booting from the Win2K installation CD. Also, in general,
when configuring a multi-boot system, the older operating system(s)
should be installed first.
Description of Supported Dual-Boot Configurations Between Windows
How to Multiple Boot WinXP, Win2K, WinNT, Win95, Win98, WinMe, and
Multibooting with Windows 2000 and Windows XP
Multibooting with Windows XP
There is one method that may work for you, assuming you already
have the empty partition onto which to install Win2K:
MS-MVP Doug Knox's Install Win2K after WinXP is already installed
Bruce Chambers
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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH