I've acquired a copy of Office 2007. Up to now, I've been using Office 2000.
As far as VBA goes, are there any major "gotchas" I need to be aware of? Or
should my 2000 code "just work" under 2007? (Specifically Excel; I don't
usually program for the rest of the Office suite, but I program the hell out
of Excel.)
A longish list but they are mostly pretty obscure features that you may
not actually use. Certain dialogues for file find withdrawn etc.
Main ones that forced me to fork the code are gratuitous changes to
graphics objects coordinates and colours together with a bunch of
interesting race conditions if you ever draw large numbers of graphs
from VBA. Basically stuff that works fine before XL2007 is broken in the
later versions and for good measure some of the improvements in XL2010
put it back to how it was before. There are work arounds for all of it.
XL2007 can be glacially slow for larger datasets and now has to display
an estimated time to completion to stop users thinking it has crashed.
The same operations on XL2003 took under 5 seconds.
It is better now after the SPs than it was out of the box originally.
Defaults for charts are awful in XL2007 unless you like the drawn by a
kid with a wax crayon look for your business graphs. And to add insult
to injury customising charts makes them *even* slower to draw.
The macro recorder in XL2007 is wrecked and completely FUBAR.
I expect others will chime in with more examples of gotchas.
Why move to 2007 at this stage when XL2010 is out?
Martin Brown