2000/03 Compatability Problem



I developed an excel file with multiple commandbuttons using Excel
2000. It has worked fine on every computer I've used to view it. A
friend just bought a new computer with Office 2003 and when opening the
file, I get a "File Error: Data may have been lost", the commandbuttons
do not appear and excel goes into some repair mode. After which, I've
lost most of the formating, all the buttons, and all of the images
(which also run macros upon clicking).

Any ideas??

Dave Peterson

It sounds like xl2003 thinks that the workbook is corrupted.

You may want to consider going back to xl2k and opening it and creating a brand
new workbook while it's still accessible.

If it ever gets so bad that no version of excel can open it, lots of people have
praised OpenOffice.org for saving their data and code.

http://www.openoffice.org, a 60-65 meg download or a CD

There are commercial recovery services. I've never used it, but you might want
to check into:

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