2 Subforms showing 1 Table ? ? ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
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I have a main form with 2 sub forms showing different fields from the same
table. (Yes I know this table could be split but to join them again later
using Union All queries based on "Customer" and "Product" is too much

What I am trying to do is have one Sub form show record which have a Boolean
checked and the other sub form unchecked accordingly each sub form has the
Boolean default to 'True' and 'False'....

Although I can view these data sets I cannot change the Boolean when I
create a new record ? ? ?

Is this the Best way to go about it or is there a better way to split a
table across 2 Sub forms while entering "Customer"; "Product" and "Yes/No"
as default? ? ?

And will I have any Record Locking Problems with this Method ? ? ?


It would be very unusual design to have Customer and Product in the same
table. Does one Customer only ever have one Product, and vice-versa ?

Normally you need one table for Customers, and another for Products, with
often a join table linking them. Then a Form for say Orders with a combo
selecting Customers and a subform for say Order Details, with a combo box
selecting Products works very well.

Study the Northwind database which ships with Access for some ideas.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control

Sorry, is not a Customer and product data table but a table whos key field
is Cust/Prod.

The Subforms show different parts of the table relating to [a hire company]
customers hiring products either by the hour (variable) or at fixed rate.

There can be many or none of either.

