I have a vlookup question or suggestions to an alternative
are welcome.
Column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5
sku offer description price offer amt
8805 1 roses red $19.95 1 plant
8806 1 painted daises $20.95 1 pant
8806 2 painted daises $19.95 2 plants
8806 3 pianted daises $10.95 3 plants
8807 1 lilies $ 7.95 1 plants
Abocve is some sample dat ato try and clarify my question
The question is can I do a look that will treat the tree
8806 sku's as 3 different items do to the offer column
having a different number for each of the 3 duplicate sku's
Th issue is that I have th eabove work sheet with mnay
sku's that are duplicated 12 to 3 times but with different
info for each line - I need to then get the 3 8806 lines
of data over to another sheet where there is only a single
occurance of the 8806.
If it is not worht automatin gtell me and I will sart
copying manually but anything to improve this siuation
will help.
Thank you (e-mail address removed)
are welcome.
Column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5
sku offer description price offer amt
8805 1 roses red $19.95 1 plant
8806 1 painted daises $20.95 1 pant
8806 2 painted daises $19.95 2 plants
8806 3 pianted daises $10.95 3 plants
8807 1 lilies $ 7.95 1 plants
Abocve is some sample dat ato try and clarify my question
The question is can I do a look that will treat the tree
8806 sku's as 3 different items do to the offer column
having a different number for each of the 3 duplicate sku's
Th issue is that I have th eabove work sheet with mnay
sku's that are duplicated 12 to 3 times but with different
info for each line - I need to then get the 3 8806 lines
of data over to another sheet where there is only a single
occurance of the 8806.
If it is not worht automatin gtell me and I will sart
copying manually but anything to improve this siuation
will help.
Thank you (e-mail address removed)