2 Routers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date



I have aTompson Internet modem and an Belkin Router wireless.
I was looking for a way to get rid of the wire betweem my router and the
BEcause i use more than 1 pc at this router the router has to keep conected
at the pc's.

No i had a gift i got a siemens ADSL 50 Router/modem.

i guess 2 routers in one system can give a lot of troubles if not configured

So i think i use the siemens instead of the modem and i want to keep the
belkin router in another room and let them get online Wireless.

Now is my question witch one of the 2 routers must i configurate so that it
don't give ip adresses and witch one of the 2 does i have to configure as an

I guess that the only thing i have to do is to set the siemens for
everything.Give all the hardware a permanent IP in the network.

Is this the way it has to be done or i'm i wrong? if so what is the correct
way to do it?

Thx in advance

I have aTompson Internet modem and an Belkin Router wireless.
I was looking for a way to get rid of the wire betweem my router and the
BEcause i use more than 1 pc at this router the router has to keep conected
at the pc's.

No i had a gift i got a siemens ADSL 50 Router/modem.

i guess 2 routers in one system can give a lot of troubles if not configured

So i think i use the siemens instead of the modem and i want to keep the
belkin router in another room and let them get online Wireless.

Now is my question witch one of the 2 routers must i configurate so that it
don't give ip adresses and witch one of the 2 does i have to configure as an

The router connected to the Tompson modem, -OR- the Siemens
Router/modem combo, should be configured to be the DHCP
server ("give ip addresses") and the firewall. In other
words, whichever is the "router" with the last link (or
internal connection in the case of the Siemens) is the one
with both of these features enabled. The other wireless
router, if used, will be just an access point with DHCP
disabled and firewall too, unless you had some specific need
to further segregate and firewall a 2nd WAN, which you've
not made any mention of (details) needing this.
I guess that the only thing i have to do is to set the siemens for
everything.Give all the hardware a permanent IP in the network.

You could, but it'd be easier to set DHCP from the Siemens,
that'll set up the gateway and DNS, etc, too instead of
manually entering everything. If you're using Win2K or XP,
you can get that manual configuration info by opening a
command prompt and "ipconfig /all"
Is this the way it has to be done or i'm i wrong? if so what is the correct
way to do it?

Just pretend the 2nd router, the one NOT connected to the
modem (which would seem to be the Belkin from your
intentions), isn't a router at all, and disable all of it's
router-related features.
I yesterday tried to set up the new connection like i mentioned in my erlier

I didn't get it to work properly.

The siemens router is an Santis ADSL50 Router modem.
So this is the conection between my LAN and the world.
The belkin is easely to set as an Acces point so i did that.
I first conected all the hardware with wires.
I configured the siemens router from my windows XP computer end had the DHCP
of the siemens enabled.
The problem is i can see the router but i can't go online.
The belkin has an IP too but i can see it in the netwerk.
I can't ping the belkin.but is has an own ip adres.
When i used the Siemens WLAN USB adapter is saw only the Siemens Router it
told me the Signal was Exelent.It connected with the router but stil i
coudn't get on the web.

I want all the computers wire acces the belkin Router,so must i still set
the belkin router as an AP?

How can i let the BELKIN and the Siemens Router see eatchother?
And this setup when i can let it work is it still possible that the siemens
router gives the pc's the IP-adres?

Where can i find the setup for the router so that i can install my firewall
so i can use my programs?
For the siemens router i readed somewhere that i has to upgrade the
firmware,but i don't find it anywhere.

If the belkins is accepted in the sysem can i see it with my USB adapter? or
are AP's not shown.

Sorry for the manny questions,don't know where to start.
I don't understand mutch from networks.
And from wireless mutch less.
But in this house it's the only solution.
I yesterday tried to set up the new connection like i mentioned in my erlier

I didn't get it to work properly.

The siemens router is an Santis ADSL50 Router modem.
So this is the conection between my LAN and the world.
The belkin is easely to set as an Acces point so i did that.
I first conected all the hardware with wires.
I configured the siemens router from my windows XP computer end had the DHCP
of the siemens enabled.
The problem is i can see the router but i can't go online.
The belkin has an IP too but i can see it in the netwerk.
I can't ping the belkin.but is has an own ip adres.
When i used the Siemens WLAN USB adapter is saw only the Siemens Router it
told me the Signal was Exelent.It connected with the router but stil i
coudn't get on the web.

It might be easiest to disconnect the Belkin for the time
being, get the Siemens confirmed working first THEN connect
the Belkin direct to a PC, not the whole lan, to configure
it. Of course you'll need give it a different IP address,
many default to, so if that's the case with the
Siemens, be sure the Belkin is later set to a different IP)

I want all the computers wire acces the belkin Router,so must i still set
the belkin router as an AP?

How can i let the BELKIN and the Siemens Router see eatchother?
And this setup when i can let it work is it still possible that the siemens
router gives the pc's the IP-adres?

Where can i find the setup for the router so that i can install my firewall
so i can use my programs?
For the siemens router i readed somewhere that i has to upgrade the
firmware,but i don't find it anywhere.

If the belkins is accepted in the sysem can i see it with my USB adapter? or
are AP's not shown.

Sorry for the manny questions,don't know where to start.
I don't understand mutch from networks.
And from wireless mutch less.
But in this house it's the only solution.

Forget about everything else for the time being and just get
one system working to:

- Get a DHCP from the Seimens, which you can confirm with

- Connect to the internet using the Siemens. If your ISP
expects the MAC address or other configuration that was used
with the Belkin, recomfigure the Siemens to clone the
Belkin's MAC address and any other needed configuration the
Belkin had... always leaving the Belkin disconnected from
the LAN until after everything with the Siemens is working.
Forget about everything else for the time being and just get
one system working to:

- Get a DHCP from the Seimens, which you can confirm with

- Connect to the internet using the Siemens. If your ISP
expects the MAC address or other configuration that was used
with the Belkin, recomfigure the Siemens to clone the
Belkin's MAC address and any other needed configuration the
Belkin had... always leaving the Belkin disconnected from
the LAN until after everything with the Siemens is working.

This a had done.
First wired and the second time unwired.
Both times i managed to see the siemens router.
The webinterface of this router showed it was online.
But my pc didn't managed to get online.

For the easy way i have set this pc with a configured ip for the reason it
needs some fixed ports.
I guess in the new configuration it must for the same reasen keeping a fixed

I know i do something wrong,but i don't see what.

What i've had done is the next.
I unplugged the system i use now.
I plugged in the siemens router/modem into the phone and the other end with
a wire to my pc.
i opend the configuration screen from the siemens.
I putted in the information for getting online.Then the status changed from
offline in online.
So for me it is conected with the internet.
Then i configurated everything for the wireless set.
Putted in a 128 bit key in the router and the same one on my pc.
Saved everything
putt of my PC
unplugged the netcable.
Restarded the siemens.
Wait for i while so i can let it connect to the net.
Starting up my pc
There i saw it has conected with the router
try to start my homepage.
It don't connect.
I look to the icons next my clock
Signal of router was max.
Conection OK
i type the IP of the router
it opens
putt the firewall off
restart the pc
still no conection to the net
next thing to do ????
This a had done.
First wired and the second time unwired.
Both times i managed to see the siemens router.
The webinterface of this router showed it was online.
But my pc didn't managed to get online.

For the easy way i have set this pc with a configured ip for the reason it
needs some fixed ports.
I guess in the new configuration it must for the same reasen keeping a fixed

I know i do something wrong,but i don't see what.

Did you do what I suggested in my first post, use "ipconfig
/all" to get the other relevant info to manually set that

What i've had done is the next.
I unplugged the system i use now.
I plugged in the siemens router/modem into the phone and the other end with
a wire to my pc.
i opend the configuration screen from the siemens.
I putted in the information for getting online.Then the status changed from
offline in online.
So for me it is conected with the internet.
Then i configurated everything for the wireless set.

Don't. Forget about EVERYTHING else until you figure out
how to get one system connecting to the internet with the
Siemens router, using wires, not wireless. There is no
benefit to trying to tackle multiple things at the same time
since it wasn't working... by starting out with the simplest
config possible you can move ahead one step at a time.