Windows XP 2 questions - UserForm & Searching

Dec 1, 2008
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In reference to my previous post, on worksheet2 I use a VLOOKUP Funtion to copy information to Worksheet1, searched by "Part Number", Is it possible to search Worksheet2 by any user input on Worksheet1?
I am currently not using any code, just Excel functions to pull up the information connected with the part number the user enters. I would like to be able to pull up information from any user input, (Part Number, Size, Cost,Quantity, Location, etc.) There are about 40 columns and currently about 2,000 rows of data. So there could possibly be 40 different search criteria.

My second question is; Is it possible to make a user form from a spreadsheet that is already in use, I currently just enter data in the spreadsheet, but a form will make it alot easier.
Thank You Very Much