2 questions to add sound

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1. How to insert 2 or more song as background music in a .ppt file/presentation?
Play song #1 then #2 and repeat.

2. How to play 2 songs as background music for HTML file? Example for single
<BGSOUND src="song.wav" loop="-1">

I have another "song2.wav" in the same folder. How shall I insert it to the
above code and to play it correctly? Play "song.wav" first then "song2.wav
will continue then it repeat.

1. How to insert 2 or more song as background music in a .ppt file/presentation?
Play song #1 then #2 and repeat.

2. How to play 2 songs as background music for HTML file? Example for single
<BGSOUND src="song.wav" loop="-1">

I have another "song2.wav" in the same folder. How shall I insert it to the
above code and to play it correctly? Play "song.wav" first then "song2.wav
will continue then it repeat.

Use a sound editor (Audacity is very capable and free) to combine the two songs
into one and use the new combined version.
WOW! Brilliant idea, Steve! I knew there was a solution! I'll try this ASAP! Please accept my Million Dollar Thanks! You're the

Happy ;o) Rino

1. How to insert 2 or more song as background music in a .ppt file/presentation?
Play song #1 then #2 and repeat.

2. How to play 2 songs as background music for HTML file? Example for single
<BGSOUND src="song.wav" loop="-1">

I have another "song2.wav" in the same folder. How shall I insert it to the
above code and to play it correctly? Play "song.wav" first then "song2.wav
will continue then it repeat.

Use a sound editor (Audacity is very capable and free) to combine the two songs
into one and use the new combined version.
WOW! Brilliant idea, Steve! I knew there was a solution! I'll try this ASAP! Please accept my
Million Dollar Thanks! You're the

Glad to help. And always happy to help Audacity sell a few more free copies. They kick in 10%
of every sale to the Home for Old, Worn-out, Disoriented and Useless MVPs.
Hi Steve,
Thank you - you come back for me!
I still have problem to combine .mid and .wav sound files. I can rename
any of them to make them the same extension. So I renamed both files
into .wav for my Audacity BUT it could NOT open either in .mid, .wav nor
Row. BUT Row is better because I could see the wave form BUT it play
very fast. I did changed for Play Speed BUT the music sound like engine
noise and no rhyme or tempo.

I did successfully mixed or combined two .wav sound files into one BUT
most sound editors can NOT open .mid sound file. What other software
you've successfully tested that open .mid file?

Thanks again!

WOW! Brilliant idea, Steve! I knew there was a solution! I'll try this ASAP! Please accept my
Million Dollar Thanks! You're the

Glad to help. And always happy to help Audacity sell a few more free copies. They kick in 10%
of every sale to the Home for Old, Worn-out, Disoriented and Useless MVPs.
I still have problem to combine .mid and .wav sound files. I can rename
any of them to make them the same extension.

That's sort of like putting a label that says "Sugar" on the salt container.
Sure makes the coffee taste miserable!

The extension is a label that tells Windows and your programs what's inside the file.
Changing the label won't change the contents.

I suspect there's some way of using Audacity to record a wav while you play a MID file but I'm not
sure what it is.
The extension is a label that tells Windows and your programs what's
inside the file. Changing the label won't change the contents.
BUT try that method of renaming sound file in Microsoft Media Player (MMP)
--- it play like magic! ;o) So long it is sound files and no matter what extension
you've changed. So long all those extensions are inside the limit of MMP and
don't worry Windows Explorer warning because you can easily change it back.
I still have problem to combine .mid and .wav sound files. I can rename
any of them to make them the same extension.
and hope Audacity can open it BUT still Audacity _ALWAYS_ can not
recognize the newly rename.wav file.
I suspect there's some way of using Audacity to record a wav while you
play a MID file but I'm not sure what it is.
Any problems or errors can be easily duplicate to fix the culprit and when
I answer the post I'm pretty sure and knew what it is.

Here's my question; Why Audacity can not play ANY .mid sound files? If it
does then I could convert it into .wav and paste it into my other .wav file or
vice versa. Then I can declare mission accomplished BUT it's still mission

Your logics are good and correct but I'm posting from reality and experience.
Likewise; I'm imparting from what I knew from past experience or found tricks.

Cheers & All The Best!

Steve Rindsberg said:
I still have problem to combine .mid and .wav sound files. I can rename
any of them to make them the same extension.

That's sort of like putting a label that says "Sugar" on the salt container.
Sure makes the coffee taste miserable!

The extension is a label that tells Windows and your programs what's
inside the file. Changing the label won't change the contents.

I suspect there's some way of using Audacity to record a wav while you
play a MID file but I'm not sure what it is.
BUT try that method of renaming sound file in Microsoft Media Player (MMP)
--- it play like magic!

Some clever programmer worked out that you might try to put the wrong label on the file; apparently
MMP looks at the file contents (takes a little taste before dumping a couple spoonsfull into the
coffecup) <g>

But depending on what you mean by MMP (Windows Media Player or the MCI media player) PPT may not USE
that to play the sound. And in any case, Audacity isn't MMP.
Here's my question; Why Audacity can not play ANY .mid sound files? If it
does then I could convert it into .wav and paste it into my other .wav file or
vice versa. Then I can declare mission accomplished BUT it's still mission

As I understand it, .MID files are very different in structure from WAV, MP3 and the other file types
that Audacity *can* open and work with. MIDs are, in effect, a series of descriptions like:

Play a C# on voice #2 for .25 seconds
Pause .25 seconds
Play a D on voice #2 for .25 seconds
and so on.

WAVs are kind of like bitmap imags.
I applause your brilliant idea - Steve! Here how I made it works; I knew other
people are watching for my experience and they can easily duplicate to solve
their own problem:
1. Audacity is good for audio editing except it cannot handle MIDI file. I still
used it because it is FREE.
2. To use my MIDI sound file I Google searched: http://www.audconv.com/
3. Convert .mid to .wav and saved it as song2.wav.
4. Using Audacity I open the two songs "song.wav" and "song2.wav" (it open
in 2 separate windows).
5. Click from beginning of "song2.wav" waveform and dragged the whole wave form to make highlighted then Press Ctrl+C to Copy it or
you could drag it.
6. Switch to Song.wav (my original) and click the empty waveform ending and dragged it wider.
7. Press Ctrl+V to Paste it. The added "song2.wav" expanded and the music appears very slow in Playing Speed and the Amplitude is
large. You can adjust
it inside Audacity by highlight the require wave form and choose actions from
the Effect menu. You can also Trim both end to take out much silent moment, also to make the sound file smaller.
8. I chose to save my final song3.wav by Export As Wave options. If it is big
--- you can reduce it with Audio Converter or change back to another sound extension you preferred.
9. With much enthusiasm and endless experiment you could produce your
own Masterpiece.
10. I used my final song3.wav in PPT to make HTML file. It actually contained
3 combined songs with loop action.

Thanks again for your brilliant idea! Cheers!

BUT try that method of renaming sound file in Microsoft Media Player (MMP)
--- it play like magic!

Some clever programmer worked out that you might try to put the wrong label on the file; apparently
MMP looks at the file contents (takes a little taste before dumping a couple spoonsfull into the
coffecup) <g>

But depending on what you mean by MMP (Windows Media Player or the MCI media player) PPT may not USE
that to play the sound. And in any case, Audacity isn't MMP.
Here's my question; Why Audacity can not play ANY .mid sound files? If it
does then I could convert it into .wav and paste it into my other .wav file or
vice versa. Then I can declare mission accomplished BUT it's still mission

As I understand it, .MID files are very different in structure from WAV, MP3 and the other file types
that Audacity *can* open and work with. MIDs are, in effect, a series of descriptions like:

Play a C# on voice #2 for .25 seconds
Pause .25 seconds
Play a D on voice #2 for .25 seconds
and so on.

WAVs are kind of like bitmap imags.
I applause your brilliant idea - Steve!

MY brilliant idea? *YOU* made it work... applause, applause.
Thanks for the detailed explanation, too.

Here how I made it works; I knew other