2 pieces of data on the same row in one list also in same row on other?

  • Thread starter Thread starter willg
  • Start date Start date



I wonder if anyone has any advice on the following? I'm sure there
must be a simple way of doing this but I'm being too dim at the

I have two lists, each relating a name to a cost centre, both in the
following format:

cost centre name
89 Fred Bloggs
89 Steve Jones
36 Jane Smith
65 Jane Smith
23 Englebert Humpledink


I need to find which pairs of name and cost centre appear against one
another in both lists. My stumbling block is that there are multiple
identical values in both the cost centre and the name column.

My first thought was to use something like vlookup / match to identify
an instance of a given cost centre, then offset and an if statement to
check if the adjacent name also matches, but this is no good as they
only return on the first instance of the value.

Forgive my ignorance, but please can anyone help?

Many thanks!

the formula does not belong there, it was for another post. Just go with
I suppose the formula was in the clipboard and I pasted it w/o thinking
and then obviously didn't see it when I fired off the post!



Peo Sjoblom

Peo Sjoblom said:
You can probably use something from this site


Hi Peo

Many thanks for your help - much appreciated.

I had a look at the link, which was instructive.

It was an array formula I managed to bodge into working which gave the
output I was after:

{=MATCH(1,((('list A'!$C$2:$C$287)=('list B'!H2))*(('list
A'!$D$2:$D$287)=('list B'!I2))),0)}

This returned the array reference of the row where the matching pair in
the second list was, and #N/A where the pair did not appear.

