I have a table containing apart from other fields one with a part
number the last character denotes the supplier.
The next significant field contains (in different positions) the
manufacturers name. How can I ....
1) strip away the last charcter in the first field and replace it with
another character
2) Find and delete a string that would be the manufacturers name, and
replace it with a new string that would be a new manufacturers name.
The rest of the description is the same for both manufacturers.
Would you "do" this by query if feasible otherwise be as explicit as
possible. Hints don't always work for me.
Many thanks
number the last character denotes the supplier.
The next significant field contains (in different positions) the
manufacturers name. How can I ....
1) strip away the last charcter in the first field and replace it with
another character
2) Find and delete a string that would be the manufacturers name, and
replace it with a new string that would be a new manufacturers name.
The rest of the description is the same for both manufacturers.
Would you "do" this by query if feasible otherwise be as explicit as
possible. Hints don't always work for me.
Many thanks