I was given my computer and it has xp pro as os. I received a pop-up
telling me that it was not an authentic version, so my son installed my xp
home on it without first getting rid of pro. I need to delete pro, but want
to keep all my docs, ie, favorites and settings that i have on my pro os.
Please someone HELP!!!! Can I use the transfer wizard? My c drive is almost
full. Thanks in advance. I'm pretty much computer illiterate.
I was given my computer and it has xp pro as os. I received a pop-up
telling me that it was not an authentic version, so my son installed my xp
home on it without first getting rid of pro. I need to delete pro, but want
to keep all my docs, ie, favorites and settings that i have on my pro os.
Please someone HELP!!!! Can I use the transfer wizard? My c drive is almost
full. Thanks in advance. I'm pretty much computer illiterate.