2 options for boting XP



So I have 2 hard drives, I was redoing one and transferring files to another.
I got my xp installed on one, but then it would not recognize the other
drive, so I used the xp disk which saw the drive to format it, but now on
boot up It gives me 2 choices for OS to chose from. I want to get rid of one
of the choices but I can not see how to do it. Now I realized I was
accidentally creating a copy of xp on the other drive so I cancelled it, now
that drive has been pulled. I have the one drive with XP on it installed, but
still asks me on boot up which OS do you want. One was not completed and if I
dont switch it to the other one quick enough it gives me an error because it
was not completed.

Gerry Cornell

This link may help:


Hope this helps.


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Stourport, Worcs, England
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