2 networks on 1 computer



I have a wireless network with 3 WinXP machines. I also have a Win98 machine
connected to one computer through a crossover cable. On the XP machine
connected to the Win98 via crossover cable, I have 2 IP addreesses. One for
the wireless network and one for the cmoputer -to-computer network.
Problem: Neither of the computers see one another through to
crossover. I can access the Win98 machine through VPN and operate it, but I
can not view it to share files. Can someone please give me a fix for this
problem? It would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

I have a wireless network with 3 WinXP machines. I also have a Win98 machine
connected to one computer through a crossover cable. On the XP machine
connected to the Win98 via crossover cable, I have 2 IP addreesses. One for
the wireless network and one for the cmoputer -to-computer network.
Problem: Neither of the computers see one another through to
crossover. I can access the Win98 machine through VPN and operate it, but I
can not view it to share files. Can someone please give me a fix for this
problem? It would be greatly appreciated.

Make sure that:

1. The main network and the crossover network have IP addresses in
different subnets.

2. Firewalls are configured to allow access on both networks.

3. File and Printer Sharing is enabled on Win98.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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