If you go to the site and try it, you will see that it has an interface not
too different from that of a scanner control program, like the part you see
when you click on SCAN, but that is all that it can do.. you do not get
access to the 'front panel button' functions because you are not installing
full scanner functions to the remote computer..
In many ways, it is similar to setting up a remote printer.. you can print
from a remote site, but you don't get the applet that informs of ink levels
and crap like that..
I agree that the logistics of using a remote scanner seem dubious,
especially if one had to negotiate stairs to alter the position of the
'document to be scanned' a little..
One thing going for it is price.. if the OP feels a need for shared
scanners, then $25 is not too much.. even if it didn't work out that well,
one has not lost too much.. it looks like the same application maybe able to
share a webcam too, it being essentially a 'twain' device a la scanner..
So, Mr Drybones, if you do decide to get it, come back and tell us all about
One thing that you should know about KVM switches.. very few allow the use
of keyboard customisation programs.. that is to say, your Logitech or
Microsoft Keyboard customization program will not show up.. the same goes
for 'on screen' info like volume, caps lock etc.. to retain this facility,
you would have to get an expensive variety, because none of the cheap ones
play ball.. check with manufacturers first..