2 machine KVM Switch / with audio etc..

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New Computer being built.

Want to share my old WinXP with new machine.
Need a switch that has:
Internet/Audio/ Printer/Scanner/Keyboard/Mouse
and Digital Camera sharing.

Anyone please these very old drybones?
Many thanks

Not a hope in hell to get a KVM that can do all of them.. your printer can
be networked easily enough.. scanners can too, but you will need extra
software.. http://www.remote-scan.com/

Webcams can be networked.. http://www.pricewatch.com/networking/463489-1.htm
... here are some already set to do so..

Note that use of a KVM switch does not turn anything off.. both computers
remain running unless you physically power them off.. switching over is very
simple.. if you are using a webcam on one of the machines, people will still
see you even when you switch over..

No, I haven't, but they offer a personal package, server and two clients,
for $25.. if I wasn't so cheap, I might even send off for it such that I
could definitely recommend it.. I do have misgivings re it's overall
usefulness however.. I often use my scanner as a copier, sending output
directly to the printer.. RemoteScan can't do this.. neither can it send
directly to e-mail.. I think that one would have to have a more regular use
for a scanner than somebody like me..

Where it does score highly, despite slightly reduced functionality is
price.. $25 is a whole lot less than buying individual scanners.. I am
slowly talking myself into buying the package.. I will keep you informed..
Mike said:

No, I haven't, but they offer a personal package, server and two
clients, for $25.. if I wasn't so cheap, I might even send off for it
such that I could definitely recommend it.. I do have misgivings re
it's overall usefulness however..

I've never felt that sharing a scanner was particularly valuable. Because
you have to put the document to be scanned in it, using it remotely doesn't
really work for most people. But I was curious as to what your experience
with it had been, if you had tried it. Sometimes people can find ways of
using things that those who haven't tried it haven't though iof.

I often use my scanner as a copier,
sending output directly to the printer..

So do I.

RemoteScan can't do this..

Why not? Does it say it can't, on their web site? If so, I must have missed

neither can it send directly to e-mail.. I think that one would have
to have a more regular use for a scanner than somebody like me..

Where it does score highly, despite slightly reduced functionality is
price.. $25 is a whole lot less than buying individual scanners.. I am
slowly talking myself into buying the package.. I will keep you
informed.. :-)

Please do. If you get it, I'm still interested in hearing about your
experience with it.


If you go to the site and try it, you will see that it has an interface not
too different from that of a scanner control program, like the part you see
when you click on SCAN, but that is all that it can do.. you do not get
access to the 'front panel button' functions because you are not installing
full scanner functions to the remote computer..

In many ways, it is similar to setting up a remote printer.. you can print
from a remote site, but you don't get the applet that informs of ink levels
and crap like that..

I agree that the logistics of using a remote scanner seem dubious,
especially if one had to negotiate stairs to alter the position of the
'document to be scanned' a little.. :-)

One thing going for it is price.. if the OP feels a need for shared
scanners, then $25 is not too much.. even if it didn't work out that well,
one has not lost too much.. it looks like the same application maybe able to
share a webcam too, it being essentially a 'twain' device a la scanner..

So, Mr Drybones, if you do decide to get it, come back and tell us all about

One thing that you should know about KVM switches.. very few allow the use
of keyboard customisation programs.. that is to say, your Logitech or
Microsoft Keyboard customization program will not show up.. the same goes
for 'on screen' info like volume, caps lock etc.. to retain this facility,
you would have to get an expensive variety, because none of the cheap ones
play ball.. check with manufacturers first..
Mike said:

If you go to the site and try it, you will see that it has an
interface not too different from that of a scanner control program,
like the part you see when you click on SCAN, but that is all that it
can do.. you do not get access to the 'front panel button' functions
because you are not installing full scanner functions to the remote

I have a Canon LIDE 60. The scanner software (not just the front panel
buttons) permits using it as a copier, so it isn't completely clear to me
whether this software would permit using it remotely.

In many ways, it is similar to setting up a remote printer.. you can
print from a remote site, but you don't get the applet that informs
of ink levels and crap like that..

I agree that the logistics of using a remote scanner seem dubious,
especially if one had to negotiate stairs to alter the position of the
'document to be scanned' a little.. :-)

My wife and I share a small home office, and the scanner is connected to my
computer. Since no stair negotiation is required and the scanner is only
about six feet from her chair, something like this could be at least a
slight convenience for her, in our situation.

One thing going for it is price.. if the OP feels a need for shared
scanners, then $25 is not too much.. even if it didn't work out that
well, one has not lost too much.


The CanonScan Toolbox software allows all functions and front panel buttons,
but the RemoteScan software doesn't.. the interface that RemoteScan presents
is like the screen that you or I get when we hit the 'scan' button either on
the front panel or the Canon Toolbox.. I have the lide30 (1240U).. a smokin
little scanner it is too.. years old but still fast and cute.. I would like
the lide 80, but I can't justify the cost on the basis that I do not use the
scanner enough..

I have asked permission from 'she who must be asked first' and have had
clearance to get the program.. now all have to do is battle with my own
conscience.. :-)
Hee Hee Hee,
Mike, I thought it was, "She Who Must Be Obeyed".

Please note, I just purchased the, IOGEAR Miniview Symphony Multi-function
KVM Switch,

Mike Hall - MS MVP Windows Shell/User said:

The CanonScan Toolbox software allows all functions and front panel
buttons, but the RemoteScan software doesn't.. the interface that
RemoteScan presents is like the screen that you or I get when we hit the
'scan' button either on the front panel or the Canon Toolbox.. I have the
lide30 (1240U).. a smokin little scanner it is too.. years old but still
fast and cute.. I would like the lide 80, but I can't justify the cost on
the basis that I do not use the scanner enough..

I have asked permission from 'she who must be asked first' and have had
clearance to get the program.. now all have to do is battle with my own
conscience.. :-)

I don't always obey, but I do ask.. :-)

Nice switch.. I use the $19 variety..
Mike said:

The CanonScan Toolbox software allows all functions and front panel
buttons, but the RemoteScan software doesn't.. the interface that
RemoteScan presents is like the screen that you or I get when we hit
the 'scan' button either on the front panel or the Canon Toolbox..

OK, thanks. I understand now.

have the lide30 (1240U).. a smokin little scanner it is too.. years
old but still fast and cute.. I would like the lide 80, but I can't
justify the cost on the basis that I do not use the scanner enough..

I have asked permission from 'she who must be asked first' and have
had clearance to get the program.. now all have to do is battle with
my own conscience.. :-)

Great. Keep me posted, and thanks.